Trying to quit smoking cigarettes.

Discussion in 'General' started by Deleted member 275754, Jun 23, 2010.

  1. First off, I know there have been many threads like this before, but I would like to participate in an active discussion from the beginning, rather than reading someone else's, as everyone is different in their own ways.

    So, I've been smoking cigarettes for over 4 years. I started on my 14th birthday, the same night I smoked weed for the first time. After we got done smoking (out of a pop can, ugh) my best friend who already smoked cigarettes at the time lit one up, and he and another friend began talking about how they boost your high (although I believe the weed actually makes nicotine effects more potent, but either way I'm sure you understand if you're a smoker as well). I listened for a minute, and made one of the biggest mistakes of my life. I asked for a cigarette.

    Within a month I was up to a pack a day, and have been smoking about 2 packs a day for the last couple years. I've managed to cut myself down to about a pack a day now, sometimes more or less, but I just don't have the willpower to stop.

    I know how unhealthy it is, and hate how much it costs, as I could be buying much more weed than I can currently afford if I didn't smoke cigarettes, but the honest truth is I love them.

    Cold turkey hasn't worked, slowing down hasn't work, snus hasn't worked. I just don't see how it's possible to stop doing something I'm not only addicted to, but something I love doing.

    If any of you blades have any helpful advice or comments, I would greatly appreciate it.
  2. #2 chillin420, Jun 23, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2010
    try champix (chantix in the US) if your serious about quitting, its a pill that makes it so you dont crave cigarettes anymore but it can also make you feel sick and give you bad dreams.

    that or nicotine patches, ive quit smoking before and i didnt have to use any of these things but it can help you alot and increase the chance of you quitting.
  3. well the problem is that like you said its something you love doing '

    because it really is as simple as realizing you're harming yourself each time you smoke and if thats not enough to stop you then nothing else really will be

    my best suggestion would be smoking weed in smaller amounts but more often? then you'll stay high more often and hopefully not worry bout cigs

    and doesnt the buzz get super weak once you smoke that much?
  4. Smoke more J's :D
  5. I've actually heard very good things about Chantix. I'm assuming I would need a prescription? And do you have an idea of how much it costs? If not I'll simply google it.

    See, I've thought of that, simply smoking more weed instead, but the problem is I smoke cigarettes even MORE when I'm high. I light one up about 10 minutes after I put the last one out if I've been smoking some nice bud.

    And a buzz? I haven't had a nicotine buzz in a couple years. The closest I get to that is how cigarettes makes me feel higher when I smoke them while I'm already high.

    EDIT: Thanks for the advice, from all 3 of you.
  6. I would recommend patches. when i quit a few years ago i was six months smoke free. but i love smoking cigarettes too, and the truth is that you have to be ready to quit. i wasn't physically craving cigs, but i still really wanted one.

    but good luck to you, and def look into patches.
  7. Heroin made me stop smoking cigarettes but then I quit heroin and started smoking cigs again. Soooo I dont know how much you should take my advice into account.
  8. I feel i have a bit to add. I quit smoking cigs about 3 weeks ago.

    I used to be just like you OP, i smoked a pack a day for about 2 years i LOVED smoking, i would always look forward to a cig after blazing, they're a great social tool, i loved smoking.

    But fortunately for me i started not liking smoking, where after i was done with the cig id start feeling bad for smoking one, but the turning point came when i realized that nicotince was an appetite suppressant and cigs make you thin, im trying to gain weight right now and i mean come on theres 1000s reasons to quit it just matters whethers you focus on them or reasons to smoke.

    What im tryna say OP is that if your not 100% focused and determined on quitting, wait until you are. hopefully you dont wait too long;)

  9. yeah i dont know how much it costs but you need to go to your GP and get a prescription, thats all i know. my mom quit smoking about 3 weeks ago and is using chantix thats how i know about it.
  10. I quit smoking cigarettes almost as a side effect of buying a good vaporizer. After smoking bud out of the vape for a few days, my mind started to notice all the nasty shit involved in combustion especially cigarettes.

    I was even the kind of person who enjoyed the flavor of good tobacco, but after a vape, It was difficult to use any kind of combustion, much less smoke a cigarette.
  11. Now that you mention it i started disliking smoking cigarettes after i got my vape last year. Thats when i started feeling "dirty" when i would smoke one, because the vape gives you such a clean high. 4 sho im glad you added that i forgot
  12. Well i have smoked cigs twice.The second time it tasted like shit and the taste of tobacco and smoke stayed in my mouth for like 2 days.They also taste "Chalky" too.
  13. Honestly, cold turkey is the only way to go. Everything else is a waste of time and money. Just keep telling your brain you don't need it. Become "in tune" with yourself. You'd be amazed at how much you can control different things(making yourself falling asleep, making you not seem hungry, numbing pain etc) just with your thought.
  14. You could try one of those electronic cigarettes. They are healthier and you will still feel like you're smoking something. Overtime, you can decrease the nicotine until you get off of it completely.
  15. Im quitting at the moment to op, i find its more worse when you have a spare 5 minutes or want to keep your hands busy, the best advice i can give you is to cut up some drinking straws to cig length and put them in a pack, everytime you want to smoke, smoke one of the straws, it seems to trick my mind into thinking im smoking and stops the craving.

    Hope this helps!
  16. make a ton of joints and whenever you want a cigarette smoke a joint instead?
  17. If you want to quit, simply QUIT.
  18. Get your hands on some Chantix, i know 4 people that used it and where able to quit completely within 2 weeks. I dont really know the details on the medication so your best bet would be either google it or go talk to your doctor or a pharmacy.
  19. i just started on the patch (yesterday)

    my cravings have been severely reduced compared to when i tried to quit cold turkey, and all i've had to deal with is some psychological pinings so far
  20. A good way is to go on the patches/medication or to ween yourself off of it. Firstly, you should try electronic cigarettes which have a predominately LESS amount of nicotine containing 1.0 to 1.8 milligrams of nicotine compared to an average cigarette which contains 10 milligrams of nicotine. But remember, it's not only the nicotine that kills (I don't want to give a lecture about the dangers of smoking because then I'll be like a douche bag because I've been smoking for a few years). Dip is another option but it has fiberglass in it which gives you a higher risk of getting mouth cancer. But if you do try dipping, you should try not to get hooked on it and as I said before, to ween yourself off of tobacco and go from cigarettes to E-Cig's to patches to straight up tobacco-sober. The dip of choice is preferably Skoal because it has a lesser amount of nicotine than other brands like Copenhagen. But I say, try to take the better route to quitting so try the E-Cig's. When all else fails, smoke a jay :D.

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