Alright Blades I've been trying for a while now to Lucid Dream. I even took a break from smoking weed because I don't ever remember dreams when I'm high so ever since I stopped I have vivid dreams to where when I wake up I remember them like they were memories. I've been logging all my dreams down every time I wake up too. One time I had a dream I was back in High School and I was like "I can't believe I didn't realize I was dreaming", but it feels so real. I really thought I was in high school in my dream. I never question myself, so I'm trying to find a way to get me to question myself when I am dreaming. It's tougher than it seems, but anyone ever have any success convincing yourself when your dreaming that you are in a dream? Whenever you dream, sometimes noises in real life will appear in your dream, so I recorded an alarm to go off, saying "Hold your nose. How come you can still breathe?" And maybe hear this when I am dreaming and I will enter a lucid state.
Do reality checks man. Like every so often throughout the day try and push your finger through your head or something. And look in the mirror as well and see if something is up. I've also heard that light switches can be a giveaway that your dreaming. As in they are not working fully correctly. You also most often lucid dream when you nap or if you wake up then go back to sleep. Kind of when your semi-awake. This is all info I've read off the internet before, I can't lucid dream for shit. Although I want to.
I saw on some documentary or TV show or something that everytime this guy would walk through a doorway, he would stop and touch the doorframe and ask himself if he was dreaming. He got so accustomed to this that when he dreamed he would stop in a doorframe and ask then be able to say yes it is a dream and take off into a lucid dream.
try to trick your body into going to sleep but keep your mind awake. Google "lucid dreaming WILD technique" it seems to be the easiest.
I used to try and lucid dream but I only did twice.. I had read a book on lucid dreaming and it said the best way is to look at the time or any letters or numbers and then look away and then look back and if anything has changed then its a lucid dream.. so every day check ur watch all through the day and check the time or any kind of txt and make sure it doesnt change. You can also look down at your hands all through the day just take a glimpse of ur hands and study them.. In a dream when you look at ur hands they will look messed up or pass through things or faded out. I had 2 lucid dreams and both by using the methods from above. First dream I had I looked at the clock and looked away then when I looked back it was deformed and different so I realized where I was.. I was in a airplane in the dream when it started so I just went with it.. I walked through 2 big doors and it was like the presidents plane or some shit because I walked into a big conference room and there was a hot tub with a fucking smoking hot stewardess.. I had her get in the hot tub with me and I examined every inch of that babes body. second dream I had I was at my house and I looked down at my hands while I was sitting at my desk.. It looked like my fingers were faded and they passed right through the desk so then I knew! I ended up not being able to control the dream as much even when I knew it was a dream.. I ended up in a CoD map.. it was snowing and there were 2 hotel buildings on both sides and I had a sniper.. I ran through trenches and got to one of the hotels where I set myself up in a room.. there was no one there though on the whole map and I just freaked and then woke up. I think I'm gonna try to lucid dream again.. that chick was just so damn hot!
I had my first lucid dream last night. I always tell myself that I'll remember this when iwake up so now when I dream this stumbles across my mind a lot. It takes some serious effort to convince yourself that your dreaming. But anyways I was pacing back and forth on a realllllyyy tall bridge. And was thinking about all the dreams I had.just had. No matter what they began to fade and I started to wake up. Before I did I realized hey! I'm dreaming! So I edge of.the bridge and said when I open my eyes ill be in paradise. I opened my eyes to me falling to my death.
HAHAHAHAHA that last part killed me lol.. I was so ready for you to be in paradise and then you die XD
I know, haha the whole time I was falling which was a long time I was realllly high up. This was one tall bridge, but I kept telling myself why didn't I try harder..... This dream just told me something. Try harder, wonderful news. Listen to your dreams.
Put an "A" on each hand for awake and look at them multiple times a day, and then when they're not there in your dream, it's time
Clocks. Get in the habit of checking a digital clock, looking away, then checking again in a minute. In real life, it will be one minute later, in a dream the clock will be way different. It works.
I've always wanted to lucid dream, it seems pretty damn cool. The only thing that puts me off is the possibility of lucid dreaming in a bad dream. It seems like it'd be along the same lines as a bad trip, and I'd rather avoid that. Anyone know how much control you have over the dream when lucid dreaming, like being able to turn it into a good dream?
[quote name='"Durb"']I've always wanted to lucid dream, it seems pretty damn cool. The only thing that puts me off is the possibility of lucid dreaming in a bad dream. It seems like it'd be along the same lines as a bad trip, and I'd rather avoid that. Anyone know how much control you have over the dream when lucid dreaming, like being able to turn it into a good dream?[/quote] Well i've only lucid dreamed probably 5 times, but in every one it was just like real life, except I knew that i was dreaming so i go to the mall or a school and bang all the hot chicks lol
How aware are you when you lucid dream? Like, is it like you are fully conscious but in a dream world, or are your senses / sense of time etc. distorted? I was just wondering whether lucid dreaming is just like being awake, but in a dream. That'd be amazing ahaha.