trying to control the temp?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by bigbud9485, Dec 9, 2007.

  1. I am using a florecence light and it does not give off much heat and the room i have them in is cold. They are clones just getting roots and the temp is 65F. i know its good to keep them between 70 to 80 degrees F. i also am trying pull air out and pull some fresh air in but when i do that it drops even more. any ideas for me i would really appreciate it.
  2. you can try putting a red heat lamp in your grow area if it is contained space that will help just dont put it close to your plants :)
  3. heat mats are awesome for root growth.
    I'd recommend using one always
  4. J/W wat exactly are heat mats?
  5. thin mats that go under your plants to keep the soil warm. or you could get a space heater with a thermostat and adjust it to your desired temp and it will come off and on as necessary to keep it at that temp.

  6. i live in the northeast and have a problem on really cold nights during the 12/12 period, i solved it by buying a small kerosene heater that i run in the room next to my grow room that way it heats the air before being pulled in to the grow room and in turn heats the grow room.....peace
  7. Purple Haze said you can try to warm up a chilly space by "putting a red heat lamp in your grow area if it is a contained space. That will help, just don't put it close to your plants."

    I wonder if a regular incandescent light bulb or two would produce enough heat if the space is small enough.

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