I'm a fairly new beginner with some fairly good knowledge of plants and how they work. This is my second try. My seeds have been planted, one in a small "Huggies Drink Jug" (a kids jug juice lol) and another in a regular, nice sized flower pot. Both in potting soil. Both have sprouted and look fairly healthy. I've pretty much had them both on a window ledge outside. They are watered as needed and taken care of. I know that the "Jug" will have to be transferred eventually. Any tips as in what I should do next??
Not really. Lol and where I'm at, definitely don't want to. Too nosy. I oft keep them outside or close. But I have a room set for them once they get bigger and more noticeable.
You're going to need some good CFL's 5000-6500k and 100 actual watts not equivalent watts per sqft. What kind of potting soil are they in?