trying acid for the first time in a week

Discussion in 'General' started by Phood, May 6, 2005.

  1. alright so next week I am doing one hit of acid with a bunch of friends. we are all doing one hit each and we're gonna be chilling in this valley. what should I expect? I think that I am probably going too think a lot more than normal but other than that what should happen.

    I've hit shrooms a few times before, will it be like that?

  2. You'll pretty much expierience a really strong shrooms trip pretty much. It'll be a good time.
  3. wierd.. but fun
  4. you lucky dog. i wish i had some acid.
  5. thats gonna be a kickass experience. post your trip after.
  6. Take two hits each. I only took one a couple days ago and while it was hella fun, I didn't have nearly as much fun as I did when I took two.
  7. I heard if you toke and take acid it makes it more intense. Is this true?
  8. not necessarily more intense but i heard it changes the trip slightly. weed usually makes other drugs better so id say give it a shot.
  9. Id would enjoy the trip and then when ur coming down'll bring you back up.

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