tryin shrooms tomorrow.

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Acorn327, Jul 24, 2009.

  1. so im gonna try shrooms for the first time tomorrow. im lookin forward to it a lot. and best of all my buddy also got some purple shit or us to smoke. i'll have to see how the trip is going before smoking during the trip. the two people i am doing them with have both done them a few times and smoked during their trips so it can't be too bad. ill report back tomorrow night about how it went.
  2. smoke before you start tripping, I've never heard of someone regretting doing it before taking shrooms.
  3. Smoke before the trip for sure. With the positive mindset you have I think you are going to have a great time. most of the time with shrooms the attitude you go in with reflects the trip you will have. Enjoy your trip and let us know how it was.

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