Truth about alchemy

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by progenitor04, Mar 15, 2012.

  1. [ame][/ame]
  2. Anybody ever watch these
  3. I have. They are an excellent introduction to Alchemy. A bit dry in its presentation but the information is there.
  4. I always thought alchemy was jus the science about metals, but it goes much deeper than that
  5. Wow I can't wait to take a deeper look at these videos, I'll comeback after I watched them all.
  6. watched them all..
    any suggested readings to delve deeper into this stuff
  7. I needa rewatch these also
  8. The performance of alchemy is solely dependent on ones understanding of alchemy, and ones understanding of alchemy grows with his spiritual evolution and his spiritual state evolves as his understanding of alchemy does also. Alchemy is one of the 4 paths in Theurgy, and the performance of alchemy evolves the alchemist, it's why alchemists have been able to downright tell Kings how to turn lead into gold step by step, first showing that it can be done, but yet Kings have never been able to do it themselves, it is not a matter of chemistry. The philosophers stone is solidified mercury, in it's natural form mercury is deadly poison, but in it's perfected form (that's what alchemy is, turning a plant/stone/metal into it's perfect form) it grants physical immortality and cures all disease. All alchemical operations can be applied internally for the evolution of the man into his perfect form, that of God.

    And that is about as much as I know about alchemy :D
  9. Im already a level 87 alchemist but I'll watch anyway

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