Truck spills marijuana onto street!

Discussion in 'General' started by xtiffany, Sep 3, 2011.

  1. [​IMG]

    I live like 10 minutes away from where this happened. I love the Bay Area! :smoking:
  2. People in San Fran must be lazy

    I would have grabbed every single bag
  3. Hahahaha peace, love, and free pot!

  4. most people were probably more worried about police showing up..

    but, I'd be right there with ya :smoke: perhaps we'd smoke a blunt after. who knows.
  5. Bay Area FTMFW!!!!

    Love this shit!
  6. Why does all the cool stuff happen not where I live?
    If that happened infront of me I would have stuffed my clothes and pockets with it and walked away looking like I gained 25 pounds.
  7. proud to say i live in the bay
  8. Aaaww man, why doesn't that ever happen round here.
  9. Really? They didn't get them all? What a terrible city, they should all be ashamed.
  10. "Officers eventually collected the remaining bags of weed left at the scene."

    my question is why was any left over? LOL
  11. haha i thought the same thing. that's like a sack of money just laying in the steet, how could there have been "bags remaining" when the cops showed up?

    i wonder what that scene looked like, probably looked like a bunch of addicts or something haha
  12. This reminds me of the story where like six duffle bags of weed fell in a suburbia town.
  13. Lucky Bastards
  14. we're not lazy... we're just not selfish :p
  15. I can see them leaving bags as there were probably a bunch still in the crashed truck. I mean I don't know about you guys but I don't think I would go digging around in a truck that just crashed and flipped over.

    Not to mention the fact that people probably started coming out and having a look at what happened. I say I would of grabbed a few of the closest bags to me and took off.
  16. Sounds like a very expensive and wonderful piñata.

    Not going to lie, I would have probably grabbed a few bags of dankage and split after I checked to make sure no one was hurt or needed help.
  17. Sweeeeeet! I would have grabbed a couple bags fuck the police! haha
  18. I can just see everyone running around like ants collecting everything they could before hauling ass out of there lol. I wish something awesome like that would happen where I live.
  19. I wish I was on vacation in Cali when this happened. I'd just tell my family I adopted a pet skunk before the drive home [to explain the smell]. :smoke:

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