Trouble sleeping

Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by MaNg0s, Apr 1, 2011.

  1. Since I was young I had troubles sleeping I used to get nightmares when I was a kid so it used to make me stay up sounds stupid but that's how it was for me because I would usually wake up screaming, man I sound crazy. But its not like that for me any more sure I still have bad dreams but now its just I can never fall asleep I will feel tired but as soon as I feel myself getting to that point my brain just doesn't stfu.
    I have tried reading, drinking warm milk, writing in a journal so I don't feel so overwhelmed with thoughts when I sleep, breathing exercises but nothing seems to work. My sleep pattern is pretty messed up I usually go to sleep around 8 or 9 am then wake up usually a couple of hours before I go to work at 3 or 4 pm.
    Smoking used to help me but that just doesn't seem like enough I went through a stupid phase of just smoking and drinking stupid amounts to knock myself out but after a few months I could feel it take its toll on me the drinking that is.
    I am just tired of feeling tired and its soo frustrating to even think that its been soo long since I had a nights sleep without a bad dream or without waking up every hour for no reason. Sorry if this is a boring read but I just don't know what else to do does anybody have any suggestions ?
  2. This is a common problem dude, so don't feel like your the only one. There are melatonin supplements, I heard they can help. Whenever I can't fall asleep I eat a big meal. I heard when you eat, a portion of blood goes from your head down to your stomach so you naturally feel tired. Whether this is the reason or not, it's pretty common to feel tired after eating.

    If your having trouble controlling your thoughts, meditation is your friend and it's also calming and relaxing.

    You said you read and write and that doesn't help, how about physically tiring yourself. Go for a jog, do push ups stuff like that. Try making yourself tired so that you will want to go to sleep.

    I have had nights when I can't sleep and I was curious if there was any point to just laying in bed if I wasn't sleeping. I found some evidence online saying how even just laying in bed is better than not trying at all. So even if you have tried everything don't give up.

    Good luck
  3. stop trying to sleep

    just lie in bed, get comfortable.

    Close your eyes, regulate your breathing and just lie there thinking,

    try it, also don't move at all, try to feel your pulse in all parts of your body. feel your blood circulating, listen to your heart and count your breaths.

    If you count slowly because your breathing slowly this really helps. try to reach 5000. Don't think just relax and breath.

    Works for me.
  4. Thanks for the advice guys. I usually do feel physically tired when I try and sleep and I tried slow breathing and I could feels my eyes get heavier but I still couldn't fall asleep but I guess its something that just takes time . Oh and Randy Crème Fraiche ??
  5. valerian root?

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