Trippin' out...

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Alphå, Apr 8, 2009.

  1. So one of my close friends recently started selling psylocybe cubensis mushrooms... Since then he's gotten me LSD and 2C-B (which I'm saving for summer).

    Man has my world been rocked. I trip out every weekend now. Last friday I ate two tabs of Hoffmann's Jubilee LSD. I guess it was supposed to commemorate the first LSD trip in recorded history (bicycle day). From what I've researched online, the hits were anywhere from 150-250mcg. I ate two of them.

    The first thing that seemed out of the ordinary was the bitter taste of the blotter. It could have been something else the chemist put on the paper, but it tasted real bitter.

    An hour later I was in the woods right as the sun was going down on a hill, splitting a delicious orange with my girlfriend and my best friend (also the dealer). We listened to tree frogs bark for about an hour, then we went for a walk around historic Salem, MA.

    We sat on the edge of a 20 foot rock cliff over the ocean, watching the stars and the waves crash onto shore. It was perfect. We sat there and talked for what seemed like hours.

    I can't smoke weed right now since I'm on drug testing for school (military school). I decided one hit wouldn't show up on a drug test since I have low body fat and the next potential random test wasn't for two weeks later.

    I took one rip of this real headie weed, and held it in for as long as I could handle. Then I let half of the hit out, and breathed in more air. I must have held that hit in for 2 minutes.

    I felt the high creeping up on me, and the acid kicked back in hard. For three or four hours the intense visuals that I experienced in the woods had subsided and I was really just feeling the bodily effects.

    Crash went my ego. Speech didn't make much sense anymore, and I was having difficulty with social interactions. My mind was blown. I was tripping harder then I was before.

    I've eaten LSD at least 20 or 30 times, but never really tripped out this hard. I've been eating mushrooms a lot lately, so the clear trip was nice for a change.

    I made a playlist of about 30 songs on my laptop and experienced auditory distortions for the first time. I could actually hear frequencies coming out of the speakers that I normally couldn't hear.

    Then I started playing with my zippo. It was as if I had just discovered fire for the first time. For the first time, I saw fire as a fluid.

    We ate the hits around 10pm, so we stayed up all night. Right before sunrise, we walked back into the woods and stepped out onto a raised wooden walkway that passes over a salt marsh. the forest was just beginning to wake up, and the calls of birds could be heard tweeting from all directions. I layed down gazing at the clouds, and every once in a while a canadian goose or hawk would appear, gliding across the sky. When I sat back up, the sun had completely risen, and it was like I was seeing color for the first time.

    All three of us then went out for breakfast at a bagel shop (we were still tripping after 12 hours!), then went back to my buddy's apartment and crashed.

    My friend is now cashing out of the mushroom business (his connection dried up), and it is uncertain when the next time LSD and I will cross paths again. I have a strong desire to culture my own mushrooms, but what I really want to do is synthesize my own LSD. I'm not sure when I'm going to do it, but when I do, my dream is to distrubute it across my country so that anyone who wants to can experience the wonderful things that I had seen and done on that night.

    All in all, I'm becomming more and more of a psychonaut. I just finished reading Albert Hoffmann's book: LSD- My problem Child, and I can't get my hands on enough psychadelic literature to keep me busy. I feel like its taking over my life, but at the end of every trip, I've learned something new about myself and the world around me.

    When you come across LSD, buy it, and eat it, and appreciate it for what it can teach you. I hear of far too many people who trip out just to see pretty colors and get fucked up. LSD gives you a little bit of time to smell the roses and discover something new about yourself, and the reality you live in (or the percieved reality, I should say).

    This weekend I'm going to eat 3.5 grams of my friend's mushrooms (which are the strongest I've ever encountered), and sit in my room with the blacklights on and headphones in my ear and see where it takes me.

  2. Blotters aren't supposed to be bitter. Perhaps a RC? Idk much about that tho so i could be wrong :D
  3. #3 Meursault, Apr 8, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 8, 2009
    Blotters that taste bitter are usually DOx chemicals, not LSD.

    It lasts longer than LSD and is more intense (depending on the specific compound and dosage, of course.) I'd bet money that's what you were on.

    Not a bad thing really, personally DOx RC's have changed my life much more than acid ever did.
  4. i am going to trip after easter
  5. #5 supersmoker27, Apr 8, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 8, 2009
    some fool said he had hoffman blotters aroud here. Very skeptical but ill have to try it after readin this.

    please give info on the size and picture on your peice i wanna know if its the same
  6. [​IMG]

    It looked exactly like this.

    i'm positive it was LSD
  7. #7 supersmoker27, Apr 8, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 8, 2009
    Thanks a ton do you think you can give me your aim real quick i got some questions.
    Thats the exact sheet he was talkin about.
  8. #8 Meursault, Apr 8, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 8, 2009
    If you say so...but LSD never did and never will taste bitter.


    Don't go off of blotter art alone. I've personally had entire sheets that were definitely LSD switched out on me with blotters of the same exact print that were empty. It's getting to be a really really shady business, sadly.
  9. #9 Alphå, Apr 9, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 9, 2009
    I know how that goes, brother... I've eaten LSD countless times and I'm very familiar with the trip.

    Its a shame that acid is so hard to find nowadays. I can't imagine it being such a horrible problem in the 60's. As Hoffman said, LSD had a lot of promise, but "it was hijacked by the youth movement and made illegal by the very establishment that movement opposed". I just finished his book a couple days ago and its really given me a whole new perspective on the hallucinogenic psychedelics.

    I was discussing with the previously mentioned friend about why LSD was illegal in the first place. He holds the belief that most people couldn't handle it and would abuse it. I stand fast with the idea that if everyone was somehow able to abuse it, 12 hours later they would be better people for it. So they might do stupid things while they were under the influence of it, but I still stand by the belief that it builds better people (or rather lets people discover the better person inside of them).

    If I can get my hands on some Lysergic Acid Amides and a culture of ergot, who knows what the availability of LSD might be in 5 or 6 years... One of my dreams (which I haven't quite turned into a life goal yet) is for LSD to be just as available as marijuana, however legal or illegal.

    But man... After tripping out so frequently the past few months and reading a lot of psychedelic literature... I would give up a body part to have a cup of coffee with Albert Hoffmann.

    EDIT: As far as the taste, could it have been the ink from the blotter, or even just the blotter I was tasting? Speaking of shady business, there could have been an adulterant or contaminant in the LSd when it was made.
  10. nah i agree that acid is kind of bitter. it always gives me metal mouth like a motha fucka:p
  11. Well, by definition acids should taste sour...
  12. Yeah this,this guy know's what he is saying.

    Blotter shouldnt have a taste to it,atleast not a really noticble one.I have never had a hit from blotter taste.Execpt one time,I think it was DOx.I was thinking DOB but I dont have any idea really.

    Sound's fun though.I wish I could trip that much,right now I am not in any mood to trip.Positive vibe's going your way Alpha.
  13. You guys do raise a valid point with the taste, but if it was DOB or DOC, the trip would have been noticeably longer. Visuals kicked in about 45 minutes into the trip, and after about 3 or 4 hours (when I referred to sitting on the rock cliff) the active visuals were all but gone and all I noticed was the rainbow halos around lights and 'sharper' distinctions between colors.

    If it had been DOx, wouldn't the trip be 12-24 hours long? I fell asleep around 9am the next day, and we ate the tabs a little after 10pm the night before.

    Further discussion is encouraged, I'd like to get to the bottom of this.
  14. Well everyone I know who has had DOx on a blotter has described a much different experience than I've ever had with it (always tiny sprinkles of powder in gel caps) and I think the difference is the dose. The amount of any DOx chem that you can put on a blotter is not going to be a full dose. Factoring in degradation over time and transport, chem techniques that aren't 100% efficient, etc. I would say its plausible that you just got a small taste of DOx. As with anything, if you only take a fraction of a dose you're not going to get anywhere near the full duration.

    DOB is the main DOx you're going to find on a blotter. Consider this entry in PiHKAL about a small dose of DOB:

    "(With 0.4 mg) There was a distinct enhancement of visual perception, and some strengthening of colors. A clean, cold feeling of wind on the skin. I felt an enriched emotional affect, a comfortable and good feeling, and easy sleeping with colorful and important dreams. "

    There isn't any timetable given for this report, but "easy sleeping" seems to suggest that it was a relatively short-lived experience.

    The other thing you're probably thinking about is the fast comeup. Most people say that DOx takes longer to come up than LSD. I honestly have no clue why. In my experience, they are either the same or DOx actually comes on faster for me.

    But of course, the real suspicion is the bitter taste. For most experienced trippers I know, bitter blotter means you spit it out ASAP because it is not going to be just an acid trip. (However, personally, as I said before, I think that DOx can be a more worthwhile experience than LSD in many cases.)

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