trim season

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Ripperstench, Aug 21, 2007.

  1. anyone know some general times for trimmers, i dont want to hitchike 1000 miles and not have a job when i get there, i have homies hookin it up out there but ive waited SO long before leaving im afraid ill just be smoking nugg and not having any of my own.

    helpo a brother out
  2. are you a hobo?

  3. when the outdoor season is over...???
  4. who in there right mind would hich hike 1000 miles (2000 km's) to trim someones elses weed for them?

    I might be confused

  5. hobo, yes

    i was asking the question "When does the outdoor season come to a hault"

    and have you never heard of people in ncal givin out trim work to hobos / hippies / punks / traveler kids who need reef & cash?

    its like a big thing for kids and the people i met this summer at Rainbow were going to meet me up in Ukiah for job work, was just wondering if its worth the hitch this late

    if anyone has any info thatd be helpful id be mad appreciative
  6. yes yes... unfortunately there is an influx of punks, hippies, and tweakers flocking to mendocono/humboldt for work... all of the locals that i know absolutely hate when it happends because it brings unwanted people and attention to people who are trying to make a living.. just to warn you, the locals arent so friendly so do so at your own risk.
  7. well thats the whole thing about it, we werent just going to go stand aroudn asking people "who grows pot aruond here?" we are meeting people who allready have a place theyve been multiple times that allows dogs, i was just making complete sure before i headed out on saturday, thought some of you outdoor grower dudes could give me the info

    but thanks for the warning, ive heard alot of horror stories about mendo being ridiculous, i guess ill just have to see myself if i get the chance hah
  8. ohh mendo is the least of your worries... sohum kids are down right CRUEL sometimes. id say your pretty good to go.. the outdoor season is closing in the next couple months so im sure ull be able to find some work.
  9. ah thats really good to here.

    i usually wouldnt go on the internet for a question like this but im phoneless and i definetly just needed some reassurance, thanks mucho

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