Trichome porn

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by JamesV, Jun 27, 2019.

  1. So not to sure if they are ready yet. Have 3 that I’m waiting to pull just not sure if I should wait any long. Plant 1 first 3 photos, plant 2 next 3, finally plant 3 last 3 photos

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  2. Looks good to go to me bro, I would pull them, but you can wait for more replies here...

    Did you flush your plant?

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  3. Been in flush for 2 weeks
  4. Been flushing for 2 weeks
  5. You should be clear for harvest then man. Nice stuff, congrats.
  6. First grow ! Super stoked man thanks

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  7. I'm 2 days away from my first harvest also.. Feels really rewarding.. But the impatience is at its peak, haha.

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  8. Oh yeah I’ve said I was going to cut em down about 3 times in the past week. Offical day is today though. Can’t stand it anymore
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. Haha, post some pictures after the cut and trim also :thumbsup:
  10. Did you take her down yet

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