
Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by savemeabite138, Jul 19, 2019.

  1. Can this plant survive a few more days in a solo cup? I can't get it into a new pot for at least 3-4 more days. 20190718_224823.jpg

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  2. I think it may be possible, though not ideal. Not 100% sure as you may have root circling issues and so on. Why not find something to repot them? You can always get some sort of old container instead; milk gallon, juice carton. Anything that isn’t clear should suffice until you can get a bigger pot.
  3. I have a pot but not enough light. I have a new light being shipped so I plan on reporting it once I get the light set up.

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  4. I don’t think the light is a problem if you’re in a bigger pot or not.. it’s more about the size of the plant.
  5. Either way though, even if your light isn’t big enough to cover the entire pot, it doesnt mean much until your plant takes up the space your light covers.
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