ive recently read that miracle grow soil is bad. ive been using miracle grow premium potting mix (0.14-0.14-0.14) for 30 babies and i havent had any problems so far. Im about to transplant 2 of them to bigger pots (the rest are going outside) and im debating if i should fill these pots with this soil or not. if not what type of soil should i get? help?
Dont believe the hype? dier is right The soil works fine,i used it 7 times and never ever had a prob. Its all on the grower....and knowing when to feed.... good luck
...i still havent brought myself to transplant into this soil. i have my doubts. i know the soil isnt good for babies but mine are about 6 weeks old. i just want to make sure i wont have any problems... any more opinions?
If you haven't had any problems with the Miracle Grow soil you've used for the past 6 weeks, why would you want to wean the plants of the nutrient rich soil that they've grow accustomed to?