
Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by TheBman2493, Oct 14, 2014.

  1. Hey guys right now.I have them in the Styrofoam cup but I was wondering.should I.Go to medium size pot then my or what but here's a picture this is the first grow and my girls are growing so quick.just planted last week

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  2. #2 AugustWest, Oct 14, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 14, 2014
    you can do either..
    i like a med sized (1 gal) pot till they show sex, then they go into the final pot after that.
    you have plenty of time left in those cups before you need to transplant.. they are way small yet.
  3. Keep them in those cups for 2 weeks. Transplant from those cups when their about 1-1,5 times the cup size.
    Depending on the light you should decide the pot size. if you use a huge pot but an inadequate light, the space will be waste.
  4. Thanks man yeah I have those cups then a medium size pot then a bigger one but I'm using a 600 watt :) right now with a 125 watt cfl right above them

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    Haha it's mh idk why it made a smiley face

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