here it is i posted about sendin me your vids and pics and didnt get the ammount of pics and vids that i was hopin for so heres a trailor of the grass city video that will be released on GC on 4/20/06 to give you an idea of what it will be Please post/ send pics and vids my email is ^^a link for now ill embed a player later when youtube stops sucking^^ its short but more is shure to com... if you help me by sending in your media I CANT DO IT WITHOUT YOU!!!
sony vegas 6.0 on this pc and a sick avid system on a quad core power mac G4 at the ABMI station that we just updated There is a video of me and my buddies smoking. You gotta wait like 50 seconds or some shit before you can download it, but thats the only place I could find to upload a 90MB file for free.
lookin good, i'm really liking the bg song on the intro.i'll try and get a vid of me toking up before 4/20.if youtube ever works for me that is.
Damn son, just DL'ed that shit -- decent lil dutch at first i was like "oh shit, blueberry yum yum!" and then CAN I GET HIGH came up and i was like DAMN THIS DUDE GOT SOME SMOKIN SONGS. I am plannin on usin "can i get high" for a video that im making for so it was nice to see someone else knows it and likes it enough to use it. What kinda cam were u usin to get that video? I need to upgrade my shit so i can have some high quality blazin. +rep for the tight vid, hope some of it gets chopped into the GC boy
Nope, I got it for free. Plus I want to be a film director, and I'm going to use this PD-170 to make little movies wiht my friends and whatnot. I'm going to school for television production in a few months, and you get projects to do and this will definately be useful during that.
DirtyPete, thats tight. If i upgrade, it def. wont be something THAT good lol Right on though, good luck wid ur school
what school? im prob goin to Lyndon state in VT, you should look into their communications program, they won an emmy in 2004 for their program. also they have an in house news station that brodcasts regularly to upstate VT
I do believe it was finished and put in another for it, you might find the video, i remember seeing one
yea its in this link although it is NOT finnished as it never will be. its a constantly running project and i am still looking for any contributions. thanks