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Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by FSUToker, Mar 8, 2006.

  1. So, I'm at my girlfriends house last saturday. I'm with my 4 best buddies, my gf and her 5 best friends. Our plan was to make brownies, so we started my making canna-oil. Pretty much the same concept as butter, just with veggie oil. It all going good and the oil is made. This is the point where I tell my buddy alex to take the oil off the heat and let it cool, so I can take a piss.

    So he pours the HOT oil into a PLASTIC container and lets it sit. I walk out of the bathroom and grab the top ridge of this container so I can distirbute it between the 2 batches of brownies. Except, when I lift up the container, the bottom is melted to the counter, and Hot canna oil goes all over me and the floor, not to mention to waste. SO...I calmy walk over to alex and confront him about it, then when i tell him what happened...he laughed so I stuck him in the face....pretty fuckin hard and kicked him in the kidney when he was on the floor.

    We ended up wiping up the oil with peices of bread and eating the bread. We still got high...just brownies taste much better. BTW he bought me a eigth to pay me back, and has a great story for the girls at school for the gash under his eye.
  2. Haha, nice. Oh, and go Gators!
  3. well good you got high

    ...i wouldnt have bought you shit if you punched me then kicked me while i was down though

    yeah i woulda laughed too, funny situation

    *note if it was me i woulda bought it, but the punch would have changed my mind
  4. so you punched your friend in the face over a stupid accident? nice friend you are
  5. id of dropped your ass as soon as you hit me
  6. *I'd have*, hazey.
    That sounds like something my stupid ass friend would do.
  7. i dont want to be your friend, lol.
  8. thanks grammar police :smoke:
  9. Dude, there was an half ounce of crippie in the oil. It was potent ass oil. And this isnt the first time he's fucked up, hes the fuck up in the group. Hes used to being hit for stupid shit he does. I'm talkin $175 bucks went into that shit...thats a costly fuck up.

    If you don't understand my logic...fuck you =)
  10. need for that one......

    i understand you were pissed but that doesnt warrant a punch in the face then a kick in the kidney while hes down.

    good thing im not in your "group", cuz that shit wouldnt fly for long :smoke:
  11. You sir are a dick.:wave:

  12. One, if you were my friend and punched me in the face AND kicked me while I was down for some stupid shit like that, I'd come after your ass with my switch or a bat, that's fuckin bullshit. It was your fault for trying to pick it up. Also, one punch and one bitch kick doesn't count as an ass-kicking. I'm sorry for being an asshole about this, but you really were an asshole for doing that. If I were that kid I would have made YOU buy me a satch for punching me.
  13. yeah thats pretty much a dick thing to do. you call him your "friend" but friends dont beat each other when they make stupid mistakes. you should have cut your friend some slack man, unless he does stupid shit like that all the time
  14. You might get ripped off on a nice sack for 175$, but its still no reason for your dumbass letting somone else handle your shit, if it was me i'd leave no room for mistakes when cookin weed.. do everything yourself next time. I say the punch was for him not giving a shit about your cash, but the cheap shot is pussy man.
  15. You guys really don't understand, he fucks up ALL the time. And the only reason he got the kick was he tried to trip me when I walked away. Besides like I said HES THE FUCK UP pretty much if something goes wrong you can bet its him.

    HE PUT THE SHIT IN A PLASTIC CONTAINER??? That doesn't seem stupid to y'all.

    Whatever I'm not gonna argue about whats been done, cause its been done and were cool. I've known the kid since 3rd grade I've gotten stuck a few times for stupid shit I've let his ex blow me lol....

    And yes...I'm a dick, get over it.
  16. lol @ the internet
  17. whatever costly mistake

    keyword mistake
  18. I dont think your a dick man i completely understand....I wouldnt have even confronted him just walked over and fucked him up. You dont fuck with a mans money especially 175 dollars of it.

  19. Damn your a real good friend NOT!! you let his ex blow you and you hit him for stupid shit. I would have beat your ass a long time ago and told you to fuck off you are no kind of friend if you do shit like that

  20. If I was your friend and you punched me in the face and kicked me in the kidney for that our friendship would be very over. If a friend fucks up that is a horrible way to treat him. Maybe you will eventually learn the value of a good friendship. I wouldn't be surprised if your friend secretly despises you now, that was one super dick move on your part.

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