i've been eyein up toro circ/circs for awhile, and i had some extra cash so i decided to snatch one up yesterday. shes hit amazing and I am very pleased http://forum.grasscity.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=527711&stc=1&d=1296339043 http://forum.grasscity.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=527712&stc=1&d=1296339043 http://forum.grasscity.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=527713&stc=1&d=1296339043 http://forum.grasscity.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=527714&stc=1&d=1296339127 http://forum.grasscity.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=527715&stc=1&d=1296339127
When i bring in some dough i will be after a toro.. They've always caught my eye.. Especially the fixed 7 to 13 arm..
^^^^ thats what iwas debating, i was lookin at the circ circ and the 7/13. The 7/13 was 30 bucks more and had the script label which im not to fond of. Plus blues my favorite color so it works.
Hey man I'm still learning about the different glass makers in the US. I see that Toro's are pretty nice, but what does circ/circ mean?
heres a milk vid as requested. Its of the lower circ, ill take some more vids later. MOV01035.mp4 video by gasmask313 - Photobucket ^^^^circ circ means that there two circulator percs. Toro makes a couple designs 7/13 means that theres a 7 arm tree perc and a 13 arm tree perc
nice, thanks eh. So in your case, 7/13 are the amount of slits? Or would that apply to a different bong then.
^7/13 would apply to a different design of bong. Mine has two circulators, where as 7/13 has two tree percs, one with 7 arms and another with 13. 7/13 has nothing to do with the number of slits
Nice circ to circ! Using mine right now and its a really nice smoke. Got me some beeline a few mins ago so im feeling blazed.