topped a plant wrong i think, help !?!?!

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by wein-dog12, Mar 22, 2010.

  1. well i topped my plant today but instead topping the very plant i took it from the branch under it but it was very close does this matter ???
  2. Sounds like you have fimmed it, it will still be groovy if you give it time to heal but maybe not as many tops.

    Good luck,
  3. hmm pic?
    hard to top wrong if you just cut the lil fucker off right below a node..
    like 3nodes down snip large fan leaves at base
    and cut all other leaves in half to stopleaf growth and prevent overcrowding

    anyhow use that top that you cut off to make a clone and double the plant lol the clone will eventually catch up in growth and you will have twin plants

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