too hot for germ

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by tomascat, Jan 1, 2014.

  1. I have a basic organic soil mix alfalfa, espoma tomato ferts, bat crap, ewc, bone meal with2 grows. I add the same amount  of each to regenerate the soil.
    question is can I get the soil too hot with these ingrediences ,. having a problem with germing . real slow start. any body?? 

  2. #2 jerry111165, Jan 1, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 1, 2014
    Are you saying you added the same amount as you originally did to your soil to rejuvenate it?

    You don't have any old soil around that wasn't re-amended to germinate with?

    What are your ratios per cubic ft? Seeds contain cotyledon that has enough stored energy in it to germinate the seeds, and once up, the sprouts require not much more than good structured, moist, and loose soil that is teeming with microbes, basically a base substrate like coco coir, pumice and good stable humus.
    As far as regenerating your soil goes, ganja girl recommends adding about half as much meal as you would if you were building your soil from scratch. This is what I have implemented and I'm on my third generation with solid results. It's anti intuitive to hold back on meals, but the truth is, slightly overdoing meals could post more of a problem than slightly under doing it when your soil is healthy and active enough with micro fauna. Adding AACT's when building and regenerating your soils is a great way to ensure a near complete carrying capacity of microbes in the beginning as so you don't need to play "catch up" when the plants are vegetating.

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