Tomatoes outdoors

Discussion in 'Outdoor Grow Journals' started by dobro49, Aug 17, 2019.

  1. nothing much here to follow, im just a sloppy note taker. I fertilized my garden on the 11th and it’s moving along with the heat n humidity. I’ve got flowers forming and used the dr earth organic bloom fertilizer and watered. Got rain on the 13th. The heat and humidity has dropped a little but not by much with it still in the lower 90s daily with 60% average H. Everything looked good today.
  2. Very nice...:)
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  3. Thanks, I wish that I had some helpful info to share. I’ve been gardening for a while but a long way from an expert. Luckily there are some on here tho. Thanks again and welcome to the forum.
  4. There is always something new to learn about gardening. :)
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  5. This is the most intelligent post on this thread.
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  6. This is the 4th day in a never ending stretch of “may have storms” along with high heat low 90s and humid. Lucky to be getting a breeze at least. Garden seems healthy but Aug has just been stressful with the usual concerns. Got rain today so at least it’s watered for a few days.
  7. After a sunny but hot day to dry from the rain yesterday, I was able to spray Neem late this evening.
  8. Getting what looks to be a good watering rain today with a great forecast for the rest of the week. Dry, 80s/60s. Still on criter lookout as always.
  9. Sprayed the garden with Neem today. Hoping to cruise thru Sept to a good harvest.
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  10. Cool cool cool. I have some tigerella tomato's growing
    Actually need to pick some tomorrow

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  11. The heat has beaten up my tomatoes all summer, I’m just now getting fruit. I had just a couple of Honey Rock cantaloupe and I wish I had planted the entire yard in those, very tasty.
  12. Hoping to make the finish line.

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  13. I watered and fertilized yesterday 9/3 which I think will be the last feeding. Pulled a male from the smaller plants and likely have another that I’m checking again today
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  14. Pulled another male in the late plants this morning.
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  15. Those are some funny looking tomaters. LoL
    • Funny Funny x 2
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. I love them green fried 'maters.
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  17. Everything got a good watering today with a little dose of Epsom salt. I’m constantly checking for critters like worms and cats but none yet. I’m BT ready.
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  18. G'luck man I hope you make it.
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