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Tolerance question

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by LilToker90, Jan 16, 2014.

  1. I'm never gonna go back to getting high as fuck off one hit huh?Sent from
  2. #2 irish_texan, Jan 16, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 16, 2014
    [quote name="LilToker90" post="19350350" timestamp="1389854011"]I'm never gonna go back to getting high as fuck off one hit huh?Sent from[/quote]You can, but it takes a long time. In hair follicle tests, they found that trace amounts of THC can remain in your system for up to three years. Of course, that's an extreme case, but it illustrates my point. If you want to get as high as you got the first few times you smoked, you're going to have to take almost a year off. That's what I'm doing right now (taking a year and a half off from weed... for other reasons, not for the tolerance break) and it's tough but I'm excited as hell for when I finally come back and smoke again.
  3. [quote name="irish_texan" post="19350406" timestamp="1389854741"]You can, but it takes a long time. In hair follicle tests, they found that trace amounts of THC can remain in your system for up to three years. Of course, that's an extreme case, but it illustrates my point. If you want to get as high as you got the first few times you smoked, you're going to have to take almost a year off. That's what I'm doing right now (taking a year and a half off from weed... for other reasons, not for the tolerance break) and it's tough but I'm excited as hell for when I finally come back and smoke again.[/quote]a year would be a bitch thoughSent from
  4. #4 irish_texan, Jan 16, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 16, 2014
    [quote name="LilToker90" post="19350425" timestamp="1389855081"]a year would be a bitch thoughSent from[/quote]Very true, it would (is). You could probably get pretty close with half a year to eight months but either way, it'd have to be a pretty long break if you've been smoking for any significant amount of time.. To make sure your body is totally clear, it takes longer than the month or so that will get you a clean drug test.Sucks, but it's true :/
  5. It'll be 7 months for me on January 24
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  6. I say do the year off. It'll be totally worth it. And you save money.
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  7. Everyone is different when it comes to tolerance. Only way to find out for yourself is to experiment.... if you have the willpower.

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