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tolerance breaks are pointless......

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by king8128, May 11, 2012.

  1. I'm a dragon chaser if I have a stash. I'll just smoke it up until it's all gone.
    A few nights back though, I got some good bud and went actually pretty well with just a few hits.
  2. If you keep your sessions minimal (while still getting a good high) after a tolerance break, it's worth it. But if you smoke five two gram blunts at a time, of course your tolerance will skyrocket.

  3. I smoke grams a day and I like where I am at. But then again I smoke for medical reasons as well.
  4. I have been exactly in your shoes/position in the past. I used to smoke all day everyday morning lunch dinner and everywhere in between. I also had to take a t-break exactly twice in my life. Both times I had to take the t-break, I didn't do it voluntarily but because I had to go to Korea for a 1 month vacation to see family and another time to for 10 days because I was in the hospital. The first time I smoked after I got back from my 1 month vacation, I actually got TOO high and felt like throwing up but I couldn't. Before I got too high though, I was blasted out of my mind very similar to the first time I ever got high. And then I took one too many hits and felt dizzy and naseuas. After my 10 day t-break, I got giggly couldn't stop laughing super high and it was awesome as well. I'd say its worth it to take t-breaks. But the more important thing is to keep your tolerance under control, when you come back from those t-breaks, you've got to smoke only once or twice a day.

    Also, if you've got to smoke every 4 hours or whatever because you don't want to take anti-depressants, why don't you look at other options that are available instead of smoking weed for depression? Exercise, other herbs and teas, religion, meditation, hanging out with friends and laughing, etc etc.
  5. I don't even feel like smoking anymore. I think it lost it's appeal the last time I bought where I paid fourty for two grams and smoked it all and didn't even feel a buzz. It was not my tolerance as I had only been smoking on weekends, it was just straight shitty weed. Pissed me off. Originally I was only going to tbreak until my dealer decided to make things right. I've only gotten two bad bags in the past seven or so months. They haven't gotten the picture but have asked me to buy many a times in the past going on three weeks. I think I might be done for good. Just focusing on other things.
  6. ^ that is when you start smoking hash

  7. Yea this has nothing to do with the tolerance topic. This is when you know you're getting crappy bud.
  8. lol true seasoned tokers will know what you are talking about? i don't think you need to be high from dawn till dusk to know whats good.
  9. Nobody likes people who brag.
  10. i took a year off smoking and it was like i had never smoked for a while then i worked my tolerance back but it took a few months. I got to the point were with me and 3 friends we were smoking blunt after blunt, then i took maybe 4 months off to look for a job and i got ripped to shreds again, last time i smoked a blunt i had a green out. i was laying on the couch laughing my ass of and could only keep my eyes open a sliver. now a few bowl hits and im good to go
  11. I think there pointless too, only time ill take a "T-break" is when im out of money :(

    They do get you pretty lean, but i'd rather smoke everyday and do stuff, than taking massive breaks and being couch locked when i do smoke, yah get me? :hippie:
  12. I'd say they do have a point, the point being it reduces your tolerance so you can get higher when you start smoking again

    may not work for you, but it works for me
  13. What I think:

    a break for a week or so is good enough

    after taking a break, it reminds me of my first couple of times smoking awesome

    but I', a daily smoker and it have been working for me this way so I guess it depends on the person
  14. Tolerance breaks r for quitters lol. Wen i dont get stoned i know i been ripped right off. Do u selfs a favor save sativas for the days n lets blaze that good at shit at night. lf ur smoking phatties all day waking and baking well u aint going to get stoned. Try not smoking in the mornings u will be four times as stoned by bed. Smoking loads is pointless durings the day. Comon guys were stoners not losers :)


    1 day t-breaks are NOTICEABLE differences in highs, I get way more baked with just a day t-break.

    Every little bit counts, for real. 1 day break and I see a very noticeable difference.
  16. Wat is boils down to is if ur a big shot with the bud seeing hu can pack the most n shit u will need a tolerance break. 1 day hell yea 1 month wtf savor the flavor a little more and stop wen u feel high if u were a smack head doing tht u wud of died already lol onli messing but u know wat im saying
  17. Smoked daily/when ever I wanted, for about 30 years. Married a non smoker, and only smoke a couple of times a week. along with the med grade weed I get totally ripped.Have become very fond of mixing small edible or a mil or two of green dragon with my smoking. My highs are amazing.

    Haven't smoked for almost a year now as I am searching for full time employment. I'm a little scared of what that first time back is going to be like. I kept buying weed, thinking I would soon be employed and have turned a lot of it into ISO hash as it aged. Got maybe a gram plus of kush based hash from a 1/2 ounce of weed.
  18. I only smoke during pm's

    I don't have any tolerance issues if I get high in rotation.

    I rotate inhalation mode:
    one hitters

    I rotate what I'm inhaling:
    wax (indica, sativa, hybrid)
    keif (indica, sativa, hybrid)
    weed (indica, sativa or hybrid)

    sometimes I just eat edibles.

    I have smoked daily for years and have never had any tolerance issues. Although I am a daily smoker, I do not consider myself a heavy smoker, I only like to get high once or twice per day. I utilize about 1-2 eighths per week.
  19. I have been smoking for years, but I dont need tolerance breaks like some of these fools on here because I do not smokes loads of weed. I smoke very little everyday and I get high every time. My life does not revolve around weed, although it does make life much more fun

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