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Tolerance Break Help!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Noelleelisexo, Aug 31, 2019.

  1. #1 Noelleelisexo, Aug 31, 2019
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2019
    I just started a 5 day long tolerance break and i decided to hit my oil pen about half way through. Only reason I smoked is because I can’t deal with the loss of appetite it makes me feel so sick and I was anxious as it is. My question is, since I smoked a few hits of my THC pen today after a couple days of not having it, will my withdrawal symptoms restart because my body was getting used to not having THC, and it just entered again? I’m planning on continuing my break until Sunday.

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  2. Two words — taper down.
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  3. Why don’t you just go work out or something? The mind is weak and needs to be strengthened.

    Also I don’t really consider going back into smoking weed a relapse, it’s more of a craving to me. Like wanting a cigarette or junk food.

    Saying you Relapsed is like saying you have a addiction, and in that case you need to stop buying marijuana or anything related to cannabis and re-evaluate your life. Good luck.
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  4. okay dude, i clearly chose the wrong word but thank you, i’ll go for a nice run tonight.

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  5. Don’t know about the withdrawal symptoms never had em. But there has been times where I couldn’t smoke might wanna Distract yourself do something else with your time and mind.
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  6. When in doubt, work out. If not that, at least take a nice walk. Walking releases endorphins, stabilizes blood pressure, and stimulates appetite.
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  7. Physical exercise goes a long way. I find even after 3-4 days my tolerance drops a lot if I've been active and busy.

    You'll be mint dude, just don't toke all the time, or try to toke before you start doing something, or after. Eat up time.
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  8. A tolerance break will cause a modest loss of appetite as neurotransmitters are depleted and body chemical balance systems have swung into the opposite direction. In other words, you pay a price of the body swinging in the happy hungry feel good direction after using THC that enhances taste and smell senses that after taking the THC away goes the opposite way that then requires a few days to swing back to normal levels. It is more than just taste and smell as one's digestive tract has many feel good visceral nerve senses from eating and that is what you are feeling.

    As one that takes regular tolerance breaks, I feel that all the time but it is really rather trivial. It peaks on the second day thus those that smoke every day probably are wondering what you are talking about. By day 4 is barely noticeable. Thus suspect you are exaggerating about it making you "feel so sick". What helps is physical activity, especially a good exercise workout. I'm on day 4 of a current t-break and tomorrow, day 5, am going to get super high mid day in the big SF north shore holiday crowds as I just bought a couple 84% and 90% Sativa cartridges. On day 2 and 3 I was hiking and didn't notice anything. In fact that workout made me hungry.

    When you notice how much better such a high is after even just 5 days you ought consider how worthwhile it is to deal with a couple days of trivial discomfort.
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  9. do you think that because i gave in and hit my pen a few times the symptoms will restart the next day i don’t do it even tho i was half way through the tolerance break and the symptoms were on their way to being completely gone? hope that made sense, and thanks so much

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  10. You're over thinking things. Just forget about it and don't think about it. Hit it if you need it, but don't suck on it all day. It is all good dude.
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