Full Article here Marijuanian.com January 24th, 2010 San Bernardino County sheriff's Deputy Lisa Guerra said she was tipped last Saturday that 24 year old Blake Hightower and 20 year old Melanie Soliz were allowing their one year old son to smoke ganja. The video, which showed their 23 month old son hitting the pipe, has been held by police due to it being the only evidence in the cases. According to the person who gave the tip, the couple frequently let the child smoke the herb from pipes, bongs and even joints. Guerra, who is currently seven months pregnant was arrested and booked for investigation of cruelty to a child. Hightower surrendered later Saturday night and was also sent to jail. Police stated after entering the home they found the pipe that was used in the video in addition to several bongs and other paraphernalia. The parents are currently under a $100,000 bail and the child was placed in Child and Family Services.
How fucking retarded must you be to let your child smoke something at the age of 2? I think this is the one time where I support a cannabis related arrest.
man i'm really worried about this world someone on that site suggested that they should give edibles instead to the baby no one that young should use marijuana in any way or from.
Every couple years you hear about some shit like this. Last time some parents were feeding their kid LSD or something along those lines... Either way, this is very wrong. Children and drugs are an obvious no-no, why is it so difficult for these fucks to understand.
i cant imagine a toddlers mind on weed. hes like fuck! where my titties! i got kottonmouth real bad you guys at least give me that half ass fakemilk bullshit!! aaahhh!!
man i bet that kid grows up to be the chillest kid ever. every kid ive ever met that havent had a NO TOLERANCE policy in home are the most level headed kids who shred on some type of instrument. so i bet this is the next clapton on our hands. or maybe he is a re incarnation of Bradley Nowell
pretty screwed up. its amazing how some kids can have kids and there are people out there who try forever and cant have kids, people take that shit for granted man.
im having one myself, ive been really wondering, how its gonna be down the roadfrom now when its like, old enough to know things wonder if ill still be tokin what will i say haha shiitt. got alooot of thinking to do aheadfor me maan. at least i know im not gonna do shit like these people. thats a little ridiculous.
HAHA!! What is this world coming to? He shows great technique, as they say start em young! Just playin that is down right pathetic