
Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by smokingjoe68, Oct 26, 2008.

  1. I thought I would try to get a bit of philosophical dialogue started.

    What is the purpose of today? My college has a motto, "How then, shall we live?" After some thought I've decided there can be no better use of today then to make of it a memory for tomorrow.

    Oh well, maybe I'm just a little to high to be trying this now, haha. Anyways just a thought.

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  2. haha damn I am so high right now I read your post and spent honestly like 20 mins just sitting and thinking about it. It really makes sense though...everything we have gone through is just a memory now. Best use of all that time was to make it a memory for today. And we should be making today the best memory for when we look back at it. Maybe when you die you just exist at one point of time going through all these memories we make when we are "alive". Wow that was deep...this is possibly the highest I have ever been...
  3. today serves as an opportunity to put yesterdays lessons to use...

    haha, i wish i thought today meant something... today means nothing more / than we deem it does, and i deem it little...

    i blazed mad bowls between that where i put the dash...
    and there is a tale behind those bowls, the weed acutally... basically, it was wet, as in resiny from being harvested too soon and not dried or cureed yet (im doing it now ) i also got shorted 8 grams which im working on...
    its sativa, as requested, and the fact that it doesnt burn allows the thc to vapourise from the weed for the first couple hits... then the weed catches and the rest of the cannibinoids join the fun...

    it provides much smoke and many hits

    the session lasts longer, saves itself basically (one bowl in my bong lasted me all day basically, i didnt have to change the weed cus it gave so much smoke...) awesome

    i forget my point and this thread name,, but enjoy what im sure is a random blazed story i just wrote...
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