Today is my birthday!

Discussion in 'General' started by Shipwreck, May 3, 2011.

  1. First step: Go to the dispensary and use the free purchase I got after going 5 times.
    Step two: Go to Red Lobster and munch out on lobster tail and steak.
    Step three: Have sex and make my girlfriend vape a sesh with me.

    Good day I must say.
  2. How much do you get for free?
  3. Well Happy Birthday! :metal:
  4. happy birthday son
  5. Usually I get a gram through like 4 grams on a regular visit with my free bonus.

    But today is my birthday so who knows lol.
    Hopefully I get something niiiiice.
  6. Happy Birthdy man Enjoy that lobster !

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