"Tobacco Pipes"

Discussion in 'General' started by Sir Stoner, Jan 24, 2013.

  1. okay, so as we all know, headshops say their pipes are for tobacco use only, but im just wondering, How many of you have actually used tobacco in your bong/pipe? i tried smoking a bowl of tobacco (1 cigarette worth in the bowl) and i got a really intense headache and felt sick to my stomach, the headache only lasted 3 minutes), if anyone would try this for the purpose of science and report how they felt, and has anyone experienced this with tobacco
  2. ive smoked hookah but never outta pipe
  3. You're not supposed to smoke cigarette tobacco out of pipes, you're supposed to use pipe tobacco haha.
  4. I used to smoke tobacco from my glass on occasion. It was a blended apple and cherry cavendish I bought off an Amish farmer so it was a pleasant smoke to begin with. It depends in the type of tobacco you use, I can see where you would get headaches from certain tobaccos though.
  5. Not twice, nor thrice, not even once. Never will. Never wanted to and read stories in here.

    P.s. Don't smoke tobacco :p
  6. When I smoke tobacco out of my piece, it leaves a bad taste the next time I smoke a bowl. Id rather just smoke a cigarette.

  7. i dont smoke a lot, in my 22 years of life i have only smoked tobacco maybe 8 times, like only on special occasions, like when i recieved a fine cigar as a gift and such, but i have never, bought a pack from a store, its all been gifts/friends giving me it for free.

  8. hahaha, i first learned that when i tried to use cigarette tobacco as chew XD it burnt, like hell
  9. what the flipity flop^

  10. haha, i dont smoke a lot so im not the most knowledgeable about Tobacco so i took a bit bite out of my cigarette and tucked it in my gum, also one time i actually rolled tobacco into a joint and i actually got a tobacco high from the nicotine absorbing into my fingers, once again, terrible headache
  11. the only gift that tobacco gives is stink

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