Tobacco making bongs smoother?

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by HerbBuddy, Nov 13, 2014.

  1. Hi,
    I'm a fairly new, started about six months ago, light smoker who smokes roughly once every two weeks. I have some friends at school who have been smoking for many years and do it very often. They recently tried to give me some bong advice but I'm not so sure if it's even true.
    They said, when you smoke and finish a spliff, if you look at the roach, it's covered in brown gunk from the tobacco. They said the same thing happens with a bong, once enough weed mixed with baccy bowls have been smoked, the interior of the stem will be covered in this brown stuff. They claimed that this brown stuff in the stem will make the bong much smoother to hit?
    Is this true or is completely and utterly wrong?
    If it is true, could you explain why this would make it smoother?
    Thanks Guys.

  2. 1. Tobacco makes weed harsher. Want a smooth smoke? Hit straight weed
    2. Resin forms from weed as well. You don't need tobacco to get resin
    3. Any difference is negligible. Only thing I notice after cleaning is it doesnt taste like shit
  3. completely wrong and false. Plus, tobacco is worser for your lungs compared to just weed
  4. when you smoke a 100% cannabis joint and get close to the filter, the brown gunk also forms; it's resin.
  5. yea the tobacco will make it harsher and harder to hold in without puking
  6. Any tar or resin left in the down stem would make the bong more harsh (as well as taste awful). Perhaps your friends are talking about doing what I call poppers. It's where you put tobacco in the bowl, then green on the top. If they're talking about that they are referring to the coughing suppressants that they put in tobacco, so you definitely (or at least should) cough less when theres tobacco in the bowl. 
  7. Do not put raw tobacco in a bong, and then inhale deeply and hold it in. You will puke your guts up and your lungs will bleed.
  8. yuck ive taken a popper before, that shit is sooo beat lol. let me just rip this baccy from the bong and experience death ripping thru my chest.. it was quite the head rush tho, i guesss it adds a little something to your high. not worth the taste or feeling tho. just stick weed and CLEAN bongs op
  9. Tobacco?

    lol no.

    When tobacco is entered into the equation, smooth goes right out the window
  10. What about the coughing suppressants put in tobacco?
  11. Ive never heard of such a thing, and any tobacco has found its way into a session (usually as a blunt) its always harsher than a joint. I like blunts dont get me wrong, but theyre harsher than joints by a long shot. Same with spliffs

    Only time tobacco has found its way into a bong for me, is when I need something to keep material from falling through, and I dont have anything else, and that last little bit with tobacco is always the harshest of the bunch
  12. your friends are mean and they don't like you if I were you just avoid those City boy bitchs!

    ...Books, nature and weed the way to go when you're a young smoker get you a solid grounding and some hippie ideals go solo hiking and camping in the backcountry bring like a quarter pound with you just have a good fucking time dog!
  13. Dude, you're not a true stoner if you mix tobacco with your ganja. get it straight man! smh.
  14. The only reason to use tobacco is to avoid using weed to quickly and for the 10 second head-rush.
    It's not really worth the cancer, in my opinion.

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