Tobacco firms sue FDA over new graphic warnings

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Phamas, Aug 17, 2011.

  1. Tobacco firms sue FDA over new graphic warning labels |

  2. I imagine what warnings the FDA will force on packs of joints when we get it legalized?
    Too much government control of everything...*sigh*
  3. thats so lame.
  4. they will show a close up of someone with blood shot eyes eating a bunch of food. then it will say "smoking weed will do this to you"
  5. I'll sue to also make them include pictures of Michael Phelps with a neck full of Olympic gold, as well as other equally hyperbolic anecdotes that counter the bullshit they try to feed us :D
  6. Forget the FDA. Get rid of it.
  7. I feel like stoners should actually be for this.

    Because when the argument arises that "you arent just hurting big tobacco, your hurting farmer John who makes his living off of tobacco, what do you say to farmer John?"

    And we, the stoner nation can shout, GROW CANNABIS

  8. Just because we smoke the same weed doesn't mean we believe in the same political systems.

    Some of us get high and think the government should get the fuck out of our lives and stop trying to control everything we do, including what we smoke.

    Some of us get high and think the government should be controlling every aspect of our lives, including what we smoke.

  9. #10 Shipwreck, Aug 17, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 17, 2011
    Government wouldn't BE in marijuana's affairs under a Paul presidency.

    Paul wants to get rid of the FDA since they've been known to do some nasty shit like adding extra stuff into what we eat and drink.

    He wants the states to regulate it which is 100000000x better for this nation.

    One example is water.
    Did you know fluoride is highly toxic even at small amounts.
    Why do they add it in our water supply?
  10. #11 labsartini, Aug 17, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Wow dude, way to try to make me look like a goddamn fascist piece of shit.

    I do believe in an ideal world where the government would get the fuck out of my life.

    I was making a joke, referring to how it would play out in the system as it is, not as I think it should be.

    Don't jump to conclusions about peoples beliefs so easily. It's bad for your health, and quite frankly it makes you look like a tool.

    But were both on the same side, so fuck it. :smoke:
  11. Those are kinda awesome actually. If I still smoked I would sort of be encouraged to collect them all.
  12. You guys fail to realize also that under Pauls presidency there will be less crime because people will feel free, not demeaned when they go to prison for petty drug law crimes.

    That's why we have so much hatred in this nation.
    Look at Hunter S Thompson, he almost turned Aspen into Fat City.
    All roads were to be torn up to be replaced with sod.
    All drugs worth taking would be free.
    A public stockade would be put in the city's center for all the bad drug dealers.

    That year, everybody was happier because they felt like they could do what they wanted!

    Hunter S Thompson almost changed the roll of history if the local government didn't wheel in sick people from hospitals.

    You learn from history too, if it has happened once it will repeat itself. So in theory this nation would be overall MUCH more happy.

  13. LOL get the sand out of your vag, where did I say "labsartini believes...."? You can pick either option, I was simply explaining the absurdity of someone who wants freedom to smoke cannabis while simultaneously wanting to control the freedom of others to smoke tobacco.
  14. People should do whatever the fuck they want if they aren't hurting anybody.

    Is that a hard concept to grasp?
  15. #16 labsartini, Aug 17, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 17, 2011
    It definitely read like hostility.

    But I won't argue with you about it
  16. See that's all we were trying to say, to condemn somebody of smoking cigarettes gives THEM ALL the reason to say the same thing to us.

    Let's just all get along now. It's what Dr. Paul wants us to do.

    Smokers and weed smokers united not divided.
  17. Shipwreck don't get me wrong, I agree with you 100%. But let's be careful with aligning weed with more harmful substances.

    Tobacco is okay, but let's not take it too far.

    Let's not get to the point where were uniting with heroin addicts to further our goals.

    I understand free market philosophy but it's kinda like gays, yea it should be legal but I want nothing to do with it.

    Honestly that's how I feel about tobacco, I disagree with the substance personally(not to say I disagree with those who use it), but the guberment is CLEARLY overstepping it's bounds.
  18. That should be up to the user then.

    Medical reform will be fixed as well, it wont raise any taxes at all since Ron Paul is for budgeting.

    Why do you think he does so well with such little money lol.

  19. So where do you draw the line of "too far?"

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