To those lost on September 11th

Discussion in 'General' started by Space, Sep 6, 2009.

  1. #1 Space, Sep 6, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 21, 2010
    Seeings as how every 9/11 thread is conspiracy theorist and the like, i figured a memorial/tribute thread was in order.

    My cousin Meridith and her husband Peter were on the 104th floor of the south tower. They were among the 24 Canadians killed that day.

    R.I.P. guys, R.I.P.

    Let's keep this civil.

  2. +rep

    I lost two good friends who worked for Morgan Stanley, but my heart goes out to ALL of the families of all the victims.
  3. #3 Space, Sep 6, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 21, 2010
    Sorry to hear that man.

    I can only hope that whoever was responsible for the deaths of over 3,000 people pay for what they did.
  4. R.I.P to those lost that dreadfull day
  5. People die. Its a sad thing but it happens.

    Its even more unfortunate that after the deaths of those people we responded by killing innocent civilians in another country... but no one cries for them, because well, they aren't American. :rolleyes:
  6. You know, there are plenty of other threads that debate the merits of the war and such. You couldn't have just left one free of angst and debate?

    I mean seriously. There's always someone who wants to threadcrap. If you don't care to remember the fallen or give them tribute you should have just stayed out of the thread.
  7. @rhythmoflife
    dude, that stuff is constantly discussed in other threads, lets keep this one positive

  8. Or as positive as can be:eek:

    And to that other guy hatin and such...

    my family who died weren't american. They were canadian.
  9. #9 Rhythm of Life, Sep 6, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 6, 2009
    I am certainly not debating the merits of war.

    This is a thread on Sept 11. I brought up something that I feel is related, if you wish to no longer see my posts I'm sure you know how to ignore it.

    And your response just proves my point. No one cares about the lives that were taken in response to 9/11. They only care about what happens here in America. I would imagine if your two friends who worked at Morgan Stanley were killed in an American bombing raid on Iraq you might be taking different sides.

    You just don't understand what I'm saying do you?

    I would imagine if your cousin and husband were killed in an American bombing raid on Iraq you might be taking different sides.
  10. Happy 16660th post:)

    damn thats alot
  11. It has nothing to do with sides.

    Those people were not killed on the 11th. They were killed as aftermath of the 11th.

    This is about those who died on the 11th.
  12. My response proved nothing of the sort. I just said THIS is not the place. I care about every life lost.

    This thread is not the place to talk about that. OP created it to memorialize and pay tribute to those lost on 9/11, not the aftermath.

    Your logic fails. I won't debate you anymore here though because that's just like arguing with someone at a person's wake.
  13. It's like arguing with a thread full of vegans;)
  14. Great thread man +rep. My dad was actually supposed to go in that day but he called in sick, which of course I didn't find out until the day after it happened, scared the shit outta me.:eek:
  15. Whoa man, weird shit.

    thx for the rep.
  16. daaamn man
  17. Conspiracy or not innocent people died for a bullshit cause. It's a fucked up world.

  18. Amen brother.
  19. Very true.

    Many people died on September 11th, because of Greed and Money.

    Firefighters that were just doing there job, were killed helping to clear the buildings. Police and Military, were killed moving people away, as the towers fell.

    9/11 will go down in history, not known for the deaths, or the Terrorist attack. 9/11 will go down in history as the most debated, Government Hoax of all time.

    Its sad that people were murdered on that day. My heart goes to the families who lost. Though nobody will be forgotten, but that doesnt bring them back.

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