tissue culture kit

Discussion in 'Advanced Growing Techniques' started by HydroDawg421, May 21, 2023.

  1. #1 HydroDawg421, May 21, 2023
    Last edited: May 22, 2023
    I'm really interested in exploring tissue culture and I've been looking at this 'kit'. However, the reviews are not so good. Thoughts?

    " I experienced an out-of-box failure on Athena's new $1,200 tissue culture kit. It's my opinion this kit has a poorly designed on/off switch which may render the flow hood unusable."

  2. Someone else asked about this a month or so back. I attached the .pdf that I will, and recommended he purchase a (used) yogurt making machine.
    The reagents can be ordered from the people in this attached brochure or by Sigma, or similar chemical provider. In some cases, the media can already be purchased with the required hormones.
    Also, the flow hood thing can be achieved by either building one, or buying a good air cleaner, or just use a flame like people have for over 100 years and still do.

    Attached Files:

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