Tips on fighting the munchies

Discussion in 'General' started by myownsummer, Apr 21, 2009.

  1. I get high like 3 times a day and I always get the munchies, sometimes worse than others, and all the eating has really gotten to me. I've gained like 10+ pounds and that's just unacceptable. I'm not going to stop smoking, ha, but I would really like to be able to cut back on the munchies. If anyone has any suggestions on how to fight the urge or has some healthy alternatives to the usual fatty foods it would be greatly appreciated.
  2. eat before you smoke mang
  3. self control and a healthier diet??? its a start....
  4. Exactly. I always do this.

    I think eating before you smoke is better anyway, because then you can just chill and be high and not have to worry about getting some good grub.:cool:
  5. Drink tea or something bro, or lots of water.
  6. eat something that lasts forever like a blowpop.
  7. My munchie combatant is coffee, it curbs my hunger, makes my breath not smell herby, plus i dont get tired once im coming down.
  8. Dude fuckin munchies burn a hole through my pocket err day, I'm in the same spot.

    I really like gum and a drunk, kind of cleanses you out and shit. Try and smoke after meals.
  9. Try eating suckers or something else that lasts a while.
    And always eat before you smoke.
  10. Do not deny your body the munchies.

    Just get some willpower and hit the gym, or walk around. I always go on walks while baked, it's great.

    The munchies and pasties are vengeful bastards.
  11. drink water...
  12. Get some food sorted before you're high, and fruit's always good :yummy:
    I've got a pack of biscuits and a milkshake next to me right now, what the hell am I saying?

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