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Tips of bottom leaves have yellow spots?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by bgibs, May 4, 2016.

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    It's gotten much worse since I took this pic yesterday. The upper leaves are curling up pretty bad and I just raised my light because I thought it was all due to heat burn.

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  2. Hi do u ph? Any nutes love? Av ya got a fan on it etc xx
  3. New growth looks ok love . Is it only ya first leafs that are goin funny. I ant get best eyes lol but looks ok other than first leafs x
  4. I ph everything to 6.5 I have a very very small amount of Buddha grow yesterday as a recommendation to combat the yellowing. I have a fan blowing over the leaves constantly also.
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  5. I'm gonna show you another pic in one sec the pic u saw is from yesterday.
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  6. I wouldnt worry love . I never really worry about the seed/first leafs of ya plant as they av done their job getting it from a sprout to a baby plant but thats me!!! If ya worried still then u could lower ph to 5,8 /6.2 so ya certain ya trace elements other nutes like cal and mag are getting to u plant love. Try to lower ph first before give any nutes as a bit young still love and there shud be enough nutes in ya siol for a plant this young. Hope it helps but defo lower ph love x
  7. Ok love xx
  8. So here is a lot of pics to look at.

  9. She looking a bit pale and droopy love! Do ya think ya may av over watered too now love? If she pale and not just how the pic is taken then its a ph/nute thing love. If was me i wood defo lower ph and see how she goes in a few days. Water today wi ph lower water about 5,8/6.0 and she will be able to take up nutes properly in siol. Hope this helps . Its wat i wood do love if she was mine. Try ph before adding nutes love. Xx
  10. I watered with about 3 quarts yesterday mixed with nutes. I very well may have over watered. I get a lot of different answers and one was to water with a very small amount of nutes. I hope the roots aren't rotting.
  11. Keep her warm love and after ya water her today wi plain ph water(lower than 6,5) then dont rewater for few days at least. Nutes added or ok only if nutes from siol used love. Not sure how long ya siol lasts? If it shud av nutes in siol then defo flush love . A lower ph will let ya plant get nutes aready in ya soil. Like i said love mag and cal cant work if ya ph that high. Defo try it love first as adding more nutes may cause a salt build up xx
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  12. Looks like nitrogen toxicity to me. Tell tale signs are clawed leaves, drooping at the tips of fan leaves, lower leaves are mostly affected and new growth is very dark. I would flush with plain water, use twice as much water as the volume of the pot your growing in.
  13. I'm afraid that if I do that I will over water
  14. Just make sure your pot has good drainage and let them dry out for a few days afterward. I had to do the same thing with my clones this year.
  15. Hypothetically speaking say those bottom two leaves don't make it, would that directly affect my yield
  16. Also this is an update on my current plant status please any input is appreciated. The new leaves are looking good but the older ones really curled up and dropped down it seems.

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