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Tincture question(Swallow or NOT)

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Chase424, May 25, 2023.

  1. Been doing tincture for 2 years on and off and I usually SWALLOW to get the effect,but lately I’ve been mixing it up with spitting it out after about a couple minutes under the tongue.

    STRANGELY it doesn’t really dampen the effect MUCH.Does that mean it’s most likely being ABSORBED fully eleven without SWALLOWING the tincture?When I swallow it’s SLIGHTLY more intense but not DRASTICALLY where it’s like lightyears
  2. Alcohol Tincture is absorbed in oral tissues fairly quickly with a fast onset of a delta-9-THC stone.
    Oils are poorly absorbed in the mouth and need to reach the Liver for transformation into 11-Hydroxy-THC the real driving power behind edibles. This takes about 2 hours to get cranking and lasts for hours more.

    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Ty so much for clarifying!Yeah I thought so kinda.It’s the MCT oil tinctures that I mostly have and they take kinda SLOW to really PEAK.

    But it’s like a slight CREEPER effect where it builds up gradually and then BAM!Don’t know if that’s fairly accurate but yeah that’s what happens when I take them.
  4. Yes that is exactly how Oil based edibles hit. Creeps up then slaps you in the face all of a sudden.
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  5. Some of the patients I help eat their edible over a long period of time
    30min-60min to avoid the "wave" of the cannabis oil kicking in
    Helps to certain degree but the initial rush is fairly powerful and hard to avoid
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  6. Agreed!It’s like you can never tell when it’s coming either!Sometimes I really underestimate the potency of tinctures especially compared to vaping which smacks me in the face with euphoria from the ONSET.
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  7. 3rd option, you could gargle with it but that's just showing off. R we still talkin about tincture?

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