Time to protest

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by ticklemefancy, Nov 11, 2013.

  1. http://www.trueactivist.com/cannabis-plants-pop-up-all-over-germany-as-form-of-protest/

    Basically this article shows how people from a town in Germany protested Germany's harsh anti cannabis laws by randomly planting seeds all throughout town. If we in the United States got enough people to sow our seed randomly on the same day (maybe April 20th for obvious reasons), we could have thousands if not hundreds of thousands of plants pop up all over the United States. All we would have to do is throw seeds out of our car windows while driving pretty much and they'll do the rest. Who's with me?
  2. This again. We talk about how bad of a idea this is every year. This will do nothing.
  3. How do you know? It would be impossible for the government to get rid of every single plant. It would make it a huge statement that seeds grow and you can't get rid of marijuana. 
  4. This is an interesting protest idea. The reason it won't work though is that everyone who is anti-cannabis will be like "Damn potheads planting weed everywhere, they belong in a methadone clinic" or something along the lines of that... We need a non-forceful approach
  5. i dont find many seeds in my bud, but if i do, i'm on it.
  6. Go to any medical state and you will find thousands of legal plants growing. No one in a legal state will plant a seed. Why would I risk ruining everyone's outdoor females for random males. Make pollen travel up to 5mi in the wind. Do a little search and this gets brought up multiple times a year and all it will do is piss off all the local growers. If I saw a random plant anywhere is my county I will rip it out.
  7. There's still illegal states. Illegal states should do it and it would raise that message.
  8. So I am going to risk my 100 plants and my neighbors and his neighbors so we can have a random plant on the side of the road. I don't think so. That won't send a message to any one in congress.
  9. Eh you have a point I suppose :/.... It did sound good at first though haha. I guess the best thing to keep writing to those in congress and express that it is beneficial, more states are legalizing or decriminalizing it in some way, and to have thousands of signatures.
  10. Bad idea....this is would just piss a lot of outdoor growers off, and probably backfire and piss non smokers off when they see and especially smell plants in town.
  11. Maybe 20 years ago it was a good idea. But today. I don't think so. It would do more harm them good.
  12. Because they can track these people for illegal activity?
  13. We agree on something. Holy shit let's spark up a joint for that one.
  14. What??
  15. With their signatures... you said it would cause more harm than good?
  16. The only harm it would do is to those who are already growing outdoors, legally or illegally. The attention it would bring is well worth it. The "needs" of the few do not outweigh the wants of the many

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  17. Congratulations!  You are the 1000th poster to come up with this very unoriginal idea.  States are legalizing, there's weed all over the states, more than half the people are in favor of legalization, it's the hottest topic in the investment sector and the next wonder drug, it's in the media spotlight............and you think throwing a couple seeds out the window is going to accomplish what?  Be a man about it if you want to protest - go smoke a joint in front of city hall or something.  What good is a story about a couple of stray plants when we have news about cartels with multi thousand plant grows, murders, people getting their penis cut off, blowing themselves up with butane, etc.
    Kids :confused_2:

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