Discussion in 'General' started by Duhka, Dec 4, 2005.

  1. I cant find the magazine so i wont be able to scan in the article but for the second issue in a row time magazine talked about medical cannabis, this time reffering to its ability to subside the pain from arthritus and even supress the disease! (It also said it was the first legal research of its kind!!!! fucking stubourn bitches just now started huh? Well let me tell u i think they are WAYYY behind) Then it goes on to talk about another research involving SYNTHETIC cannabinoids and how it can help shrink the brain and supress affects of alzhiemer's disease. WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU USE A SYNTHETIC INSTEAD OF THE NATURAL PLANT SOME MIGHT ASK??? Its because with synthetics, even though making them polutes the world, they arent as safe, arent natural, and pointless, they do it so they can PATENT the drug and make millions of dollars off of it. This is because u cant patent natural plants/herbs. Fuck i cant stand some people... especially greedy ones. Anyways i think its time to go stampede the fucking white house and FORCE them to change it to at least a sched 2 drug it UNDENIABLY has medicinal purposes so open ur fucking eyes america and admit ur all dumbass greedy fools!@

    Sorry i get carried away i very emotional about crap like this and the whole marijuana conspiricy in general. Oh and please dont move this thread i think it fits best here other than medican marijuana or marijuana law because it involves both.
  2. I totally agree my friend.
  3. wow, thats fucking gay. although if people know they are taking stuff that they could obtain naturally, it could push legalization along...
  4. Not all of us are greedy fools, just most of them.

    We amercuns sur be dumd.

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