Every point in time simultaniously exists, when you look up at the stars at night, you are looking thousands to millions and if you look far enough billions of years in the past because of the time it takes the light to reach us so if you are seeing something that is there right now such as the stars that are billions of years in the past then they exist right now in this moment since we can see it right now, say a creature is looking at our star and planet but the light from our star and planet takes 5 thousand years to reach that creature, that means that creature can see ancient Egyptians or any other ancient civilization right this second, this is so hard to explain over text, you guys know what I'm trying to get at? Post your thoughts and any and all critisism is appreciated
I get your point I think, but I don't get how it makes time an illusion, wouldn't it make the stars that your seeing from the past the actual illusion not time.
[quote name='"didier12"']I get your point I think, but I don't get how it makes time an illusion, wouldn't it make the stars that your seeing from the past the actual illusion not time.[/quote] Well I say it's an illusion because every point in time exists simultaniously, lets say that there is a creature at every single star, if we are all looking at eachother then we are all looking at eachother in the past, even though it already happened we still see it happening at this moment like even though we see the star a thousand years before what it actually looks like right now we see it this very moment, fuck this is hard to explain haha
I just smoked some bowls and put my abstract hat on to try and properly get what your're saying, I think I kinda get it but it sort of seems paradoxical in my mind. Are you trying to say that everything that has happened still exists you just have to be really far away to see it, and so that makes time an illusion because we percieve those events to be in the past and no longer occuring?
[quote name='"didier12"']I just smoked some bowls and put my abstract hat on to try and properly get what your're saying, I think I kinda get it but it sort of seems paradoxical in my mind. Are you trying to say that everything that has happened still exists you just have to be really far away to see it, and so that makes time an illusion because we percieve those events to be in the past and no longer occuring?[/quote] Kinda, but we are percieving that star billions of years ago right now so we see something from billions of years ago right now so that image and point of time for that star existed billions of years ago and it exists now aswell because we see it right now
Yeah but does it exist right now? I mean sure you can see it but you can't touch it, what defines existence? Personally I think that time is the thing carrying the illusion not the illusion itself. The image were seeing is an illusion in that we think it's happening right now in actual fact it is no longer happening it has just taken a fucking age to get here lol, but I wouldnt say that event is still happening and existing, though I do get what you mean.
DUDE. what if we made a spaceship sooooo fast that we could travel far away enough, fast enough, to look back on the light of earth from thousands of years ago with our ultra high powered telescope or whatever the fuck that we also made. damn science, you freaky.
Actually you would be close to the Earth in order to see the Ancient Egyptians. If you are 1 light year away (a small unit in astronomy) then you see Earth what it was like 1 million years ago if you are standing 1 light year away (and have a powerful enough telescope).
Well I ment if you are away from Earth at a certain distance, I was just pulling stars and a random number or years out of my ass, but you get my point right?
Yes but of course time is an illusion. We are like a creation of trillions and trillions of organisms stacked upon each other reaching out and grabbing the different sensory's of our environment. Our eyes have tiny, tiny muscles that contract to pull a thin piece of skin open and shut to let more of this light that bounces off of objects in our eye. It then hits receptors in the back of our eye and sends a signal (probably not too much more complex than the 10101010101 of computers) to create an image in our head. It is not the physical process that is the illusion but the labels we give what we see that are illusions, like "good" or "bad". Not to mention, these labels are created by the recordings on our memory of muscles in the human vocal system expanding and contracting coupled with the movement of the human throat and mouth to manipulate sound waves into different patterns. We then bounce these sound waves into our ears which read the vibrations (again much like a computer's 1010101's) and translate them to the same magical effect you get when you shoot electricity into a box and hear the radio.
I get it. Go 100 billions miles away and somehow look all the way back to earth and you see what was going on with the t rex
but really OP, i totally understand what you're trying to say. im just a bit to intoxicated to properly convey the concept right now.... ill be back.
yeah i'd say it's not really an illusion but subjective. the perception of the present moment is a condition of the individual perceiver. the present moment is all that exists, but light is slow. though we are seeing the past of something, the present still exists there as well as here, we just can't see that present until it gets here.
[quote name='"A AnoesisOrange"']yeah i'd say it's not really an illusion but subjective. the perception of the present moment is a condition of the individual perceiver. the present moment is all that exists, but light is slow. though we are seeing the past of something, the present still exists there as well as here, we just can't see that present until it gets here.[/quote] Time perception and rationality can go hand in hand. As he days above we are seeing the past, but when you are in a life or death situation, you don't rationalize. This causes you to see time slowed down because you aren't taking any time to rationalize. Read this if you are interested: http://www.cracked.com/article_19659_7-theories-time-that-would-make-doc-browns-head-explode.html