tiger bloom vs. big bloom

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by the_pirate_bay, Sep 18, 2009.

  1. I'm running low on this big bloom stuff, figure next time I get to the store I'll buy tiger bloom instead. Will it make any difference, if there is a month left of flowering? Or would I save my money and buy molasses instead. Discuss
  2. Tiger Bloom will give your plants more phosphorus than big bloom. It's probably a good idea. You can use molasses in between feedings.
  3. one is stronger than the other. I usually use both in a 75%/25% mixture of big bloom/ tiger bloom and see good results.
  4. get both..... go on the fox farm website..... theyve got feeding schedules that work wonderfully
  5. as above have said get both.... you use more big bloom as its actually used the entire grow cycle... start at around week 2 with your big bloom at 1 tbspn per gallon... and work up to 2 tablespoons/g..... its basically an all organic ewc tea w/ trace minerals... good stuff

    Tiger bloom i used at 1/2 recomended strength wateriong just before switching to 12/12.... and then increase strength watching your plants needs

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