
Discussion in 'Pets' started by figarofigaro, Sep 6, 2012.

  1. Who's animal hates thunder?


    that's my cutie tucked in a blanket... Apparently holding them tight/wrapping them tight relieves their stress from thunder/loud noises
  2. Awwww, my cat is scared of it and my dog likes to run around like a nut job when its thundering :confused_2:
  3. My cat runs around hitting walls and shit when it thunders.
  4. Any time tree is a thunder storm big or small my cat comes to me for cuddles and comfort
    Which usually results in us chilling on the couch with her curled up on my lap head buried into my stomach or her half on half off just chilling an purring, but when there is a flash or thunder, she gets all worried
    Such a cutie :p
  5. My cat is so afraid of it. He hides in between the bed and the covers on the floor
  6. I've never had a cat that liked the sound of a storm.
  7. the craziest thing is that they know it's coming

    My cat will crouch down with her belly to the floor and like, it looks like she's bracing to be punched. And every time she does, thunder booms like 3 seconds later. Some kinda ancient knowledge humans have forgotten :eek:
  8. Its not nearly as bad as when fireworks are going off.

  9. I wonder if it has to do with their wider spectrum of hearing? we can only hear up to 20kHz while dogs can hear up to 60kHz and cats up to 64kHz, so maybe the initial sound of thunder is at a frequency higher than we can hear?

    I have no idea whether this is the reason but I imagine it could certainly be a possibility...
  10. My dog will hide under my bed for hours when a big storm rolls over.
  11. My sister had a dog that used to lose her shit when it would thunder, but my Fox Terrier doesn't seem to even notice. He's nervous about everything else, but not thunder.

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