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Throwing up while smoking a bong?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by BearKush, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. Sup fellow blades! I was just wondering is it my technique or the bong that makes me throw up (often)?
  2. Its cause your new to bongs, take smaller hits
  3. Yea probably. I am new to bongs as well, been usin it only for second time, but i was never even close to throwing up. it also depends on how your body reacts, i mean, every man is different in some kind of ways
  4. It could also be the buds, better buds produce smoother smoke, crap buds produce harsh smoke
  5. I sometimes throw up when I smoke the bong too but usually it's because I haven't eaten much and I smoke a lot. Just take your time when smoking.
  6. ^^ lool same here. When I wake up it's the worsssst. Zero food + bong = greenout nauseousness hahaha
  7. ^Guy's, don't make it seem like a normal thing. Yeah it happens but you should not be throwing up from bong hits, Often! Take less larger hits? How long are you holding it in for? :bongin:

  8. I try not to take large hits and probably hold it for about 2-3 seconds.
  9. Iv never experienced the same thing, doesn't sound good tbh... Do you get the same effect while smoking joints? Do you mix in tobacco in the hits? Also how often do you throw up?
  10. I wouldn't say good buds have good smoke bad buds have bad smoke although that is normally true some real good bud could make you cough your ass off depending on the strain.

    But OP if you're new to bongs and smoking lower grade buds then that's probably it if you are taking big rips. I would go to a new connect and find some buds that are a smoother smoke. Also don't let your bud dry out because that will make even the smoothest bud turn harsh. Also take smaller hits and hold it in long.
  11. just don't start shitting in it :cool:
  12. That's what my hisi does to people who haven't hit it before, I'll load a bowl, someone feels brave and tries to torch it and 15 seconds later they're prayin to the porcelain god.
  13. Are your pieces clean? Dirty Piece = Foul Hit

  14. I've taken some serious bong hits but I've never thrown up from it. Maybe you guys are swallowing the smoke or something
  15. Inhale don't swallow the smoke
  16. Definitely not swallowing. (Smoked for a while, cigs too) It could be that the piece is dirty just ordered some iso. I'm fine from everything but I also nearly throw up of friends pieces and it really bums me out because I would hate someone to smoke my piece then throw up.
  17. "Bong Master"

  18. Hahaha I Knew someone would pick that up soon. (I do like to collect bongs now and again)
  19. musta been a killer rip lol
  20. How not to throw up:

    1. Dont torch the bowl, thatll make the smoke hotter and more intense
    2. Fill the chamber slowly before inhaling
    3. Dont hold it in longer than necessary

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