Threesome: I want one.

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by CaptainCupcake, Aug 4, 2011.


    So, here's the deal... I feel like I've been looking FOREVER for a girl that will actually go through with having a threesome with me and my guy.

    I've tried the online fuck sites, even craigslist (gag) and no one. Every girl that I was actually attracted to that contacted me, ended up flaking.

    I don't get it.

    I could understand if it was just a threesome thing, like maybe they are intimidated by my guy being there but I am allowed to explore with just me and

    What do I have to do to get a girl....the only ones that are willing are just not my type at all. Is this just bad luck?

    Anyone have advice on this, I know it's weird to ask but I WANT TO HAVE MY PUSSYCAKE AND EAT IT TOO GOD DEMMIT :mad:

    any suggestions, any at all... any hot tattooed washingtonian girls ;D ? (I kid, I kid......kind of. :p )
  2. Go to a club and approach one of your liking, the thing with the internet is people can get real sketched out ya dig?

  3. okay I would do that, do you even start a conversation like that...haha
  4. #4 narcissistic, Aug 4, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 7, 2011
    those are the type of things that are or would seriously be hard to plan .
  5. They say for a guy a threesome is half the fun for double the price.
  6. That's why they're called unicorns. They either don't exist, or if they do, they're probably all tied up in someone's basement somewhere.
  7. #7 rain dancer, Aug 6, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2011
    Well, first, make sure you're not being too picky, unless you're a 10. A lot of people have an inflated view of themselves, so be realistic. Second, be 100 percent sure you wont be jealous if feelings do develop, because they do and may.

    Since you're a girl, a conversation at a club could go like this,

    "Hi, my name is Jessica, you want to get out of here? Or, you wanna be in a threesome with me and my guy?" Point is, you're not trying to develop a relationship, you're trying to fuck another human being. A lot of people are cool with just fucking. You'd be more likely to pick up a slut, which your man will probably really enjoy, maybe even moreso than you. You might even learn a thing or two or vice versa. Whatever you do, realize that you should use protection, don't wanna wake up the next day with a mouth full of herpes.....

    Almost forgot to mention. Expect it to change your relationship permanently, because it most likely will, either good or bad. I have a few guy friends who ended up fucking the girl from the threesome when their spouse wasn't around and never told them about it either. They
    (the women) didn't realize this would happen when they opened that door, but there was attraction between both people and they already fucked, so they figured it was cool. What those women didn't know, didn't hurt them I guess. :)
  8. Jessica was a good looking girl. So it wasn't suprising when both Jeff and Jake fell for her at the same time.

    But the suprising thing was, that Jessica was falling for both of them too!

    She was torn between the two very equally good looking men.

    Jeff was the tall handsome guy, and Jake was the shorter one, but also the cuter.

    Both had their own style, and both were incredibly romantic.
  9. Maybe find a gal who you don't see often. The afterwards is sort of awkward sometimes (never for me, buuuut....). At least you won't have to worry about your guy bangin her next weekend.

    If you're real ballsy- how about a t-shirt? "Lookin for a theesome" or something clever.

    I've had them both ways. ;) And w/o the guy a couple of times (sort of boring). the b/g/b (boy girl boy) was with my bf and a fwb from outta town. After an evening of drinkin & dancing- I asked the fwb if he was down & he was. Holy cow! The boys were BOTH really fun boys. mmmm good times!

    Oh, we're talking g/b/g, couple of times with a gf and their husbands. Once with the same dude as story above and a hot girl he banged. That was a good time, but I felt a little nervous as he didn't want us plowed & I'd have liked to be. Another time w/ a guy I was seeing and a girl I worked with. I (we) approached her at the bar with some filthy remark- like "wanna fuck?". And she was down. No jealousy, no delusions- he nailed her first, but her face was between my thighs.

    Oh, the first time was when I was like 17/18 with this boy that I was friends with and a girl in our circle of friends. We found out that we'd both slept with this guy (I just did it, because I heard he had a big cock & wanted to check it out) and talked about how we figured he'd be all thrilled with this 3some thing. So, e called him, he said yeah ok & we went & picked him up. We were all so young & nervous & didn't know what the heck we were doing. haha. Her & I didn't have to much contact (I never let that happen again!)- but we both gt a piece of him. I was all hot watching her ride him though. She was a gorgeous redhead & was stacked like a brick house! (ok we're both redhead and curvy- but she had REALLY red hair, besides it was a fun watch).

    Jeez- I went on and on. But, it'll probably be worth the wait. I've never been jealous when it was my guy- but have been the third and had the other girl get upset during the episode & that was sort of sucky. Played it off & let her getthe attention she needed & it ended well & we stayed friends. =)
  10. #10 narcissistic, Aug 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2011
  11. This sounds like quite the story...
  12. My one regret on life is passing up a threesome with my ex and my super hot best friend (it's a weird relationship) but I actually passed up on it because my ex and I were in love at the time and I was afraid it would complicate things. Which I really didn't want. In hindsight, fuck that I should have crossed "threesome with two dimes" off my bucket list.
  13. phucking phail.
  14. Tell me about it.
  15. And it didn't help that Jeff and Jake were very good friends.

    One day, the three of them went clubbing, and Jeff started to get really defensive of Jessica, everytime another dude approached her.

    Especially if that dude was Jake.
  16. update: found a girl...holy fuck she's hot.


    -dies from happiness-
  17. Awesome!I hope she likes cup cakes too!:hello:
    let us know how it goes.:rolleyes:

  18. Oh my god you just made my day.

    -paff paff paff paff paff-
  19. Aye Aye Captain!
    Likewise, but I'm positive.....It could be much better:p

    Have lots of fun!;)

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