thoughts on....

Discussion in 'General' started by oneblownaZn, Sep 7, 2009.

  1. ooops...check the second post.
  2. getting drunk and watching a movie. usually i am down with smoking the herb and a movie...

    but drunk and movie? good idea? just as fun?

    oh and the movie i just downloaded was district 9.
  3. I advise you to immediately delete District 9. That won't be a good movie no matter how high/drunk you are.
  4. I'm not a fan of watching a movie when I'm drunk. If I've been drinking I like to be out and about doing things, hanging out with people, etc.

    But I do love getting really blazed and watching a movie
  5. Not any good or what? I was just looking for a torrent.
  6. I thought it was faaaaaaaaaaaaaaantastic.

    Good movie, enjoy it OP.
  7. It's probably the worst movie i've watched this year..
  8. i hate watching movies when im drunk. unless its a drinking game. but i cant stay focused on a movie.
  9. I don't like to. I say roll a few jays and smoke the before, during, and after the movie. And screw district 9, download pyno. May be Disney but it's amazing to watch high.
  10. #10 oneblownaZn, Sep 7, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 7, 2009

    naw man watch that shit i just got a pm from

    boomer bumper

    and gave him the link to the torrent and everything. so message him to forward it. or if you already know how to download torrents heres the link

    bomb ass quality. and shit even if it sucks, it's not like your paying an admission fee.
  11. Good point, i had to pay for that..
    Also you might want to delete that Pirate Bay link as it's against the rules..
  12. Already. Thanks.
  13. thanks again man. downloading it now :D
  14. Well I think it's safe to say that you're in the vast minority with this opinion judging simply by the 89% it has on rottentomatoes and the buttloads of money it's making in relation to its prodcution cost.

    It was a FUCKING AMAZING movie with a poignant and relevant underlying message
  15. Some movies are great when you are drunk.


    The departed.

    ... Ok so maybe not that many, but those two are good.
  16. If you like movies based on what the 'vast majority' like and that works for you, that's ok with me, but I happen to have my own tastes. And it did have a good underlying message, but in my opinion, it had a terrible overlying everything else.

  17. :rolleyes: Given that you were advising another person (ie not your own taste) about the quality of a movie, I think the opinion of the "vast majority" is far more important than your personal opinion.

    Especially since you said he should "immediately delete District 9."
  18. And the opinion of the vast majority is superior to my own how? It's a personal choice, whether more people agree or not.

  19. hey i'm not going to say whos right or wrong, cuz clearly there is no winner. but fox was just expressing his personal opinion and i respected that. i still went into the movie with an open mind and i realy enjoyed it.

    shows a lot for a movie who was "underbudget"...was not the typical hollywood video, and seeing that overall it was a good movie without big actors, i give a lot of props and a lot of respect. great sci fi movie if anyone is interested in that sort of thing.

  20. It's superior because his opinion (the subject you are advising on) is more likely to be the rule than the exception?

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