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thought i'd like to share...

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by b1nary, Jul 23, 2010.

  1. recently i've been able to function a lot better while high. i used to hate to come home, and i'd always wait at a friends house til i start coming down. i wouldn't ever wanna talk to anyone, and i'd just lay in bed an fall asleep. i now find life so much easier stoned. for example about an hour ago i smoked a joint with a buddy, drove to the gas station to get something to drink and now i'm home. and still quite high. i also find i can get high so easily, i think it's because my friend started to deal, and he gives us much better stuff than we're used too. but i just find i can enjoy being high more now, without sketching out or anything. i just wanted to share this even everyone, happy smoking.
  2. Somebody's at the "I love you man!" stage :) :smoking::bongin:
  3. ^^^ The grow journals of oldskoolgrower reference? hahahha:hello:
    loved that story

  4. Nope, that'd be a coincidence. Much as I revere OSG I haven't read his journals.

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