Those days...

Discussion in 'General' started by wizwack, Jan 26, 2013.

  1. You're not crazy. You're just going through a hard time. I wish I had more advice to give. Just try and keep your head up.

    Get a job and start from there. Best of luck to you.
  2. I feel the same way
  3. Trust me, you're not crazy. You're just lost.

    Yeah, it's probably normal to feel disoriented after jail. Are you not able to move in with your girl? If that's an option I'd definitely jump on it while you work on making some money. If that's not an option then just swallow your pride and ask a friend to let you crash while you get your life back together.

    Even though it might seem daunting, your situation could be much worse. Just take this opportunity to make the best of your situation. No dicking around.
  4. Just keep in mind- things are NEVER as bad as they seem. By the same token, things are NEVER as good as they seem. Keep it all in perspective, eyes on the big picture. Ebbs and flows my man, ebbs and flows.

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