This shall be fun..

Discussion in 'General' started by Mindgnome, Feb 6, 2008.

  1. Well I am tripping right now, and I have just been informed I have a dentist important, oh and I am stoned. I hope I don't freak the fuck out....
  2. That shit sucks.

    More of a visual or body trip? I get freaked out at people poking around in my mouth as it is:(
  3. What are ya trippn on?
  4. Its sort of like a peyote extract, I took two hits, and that was way too much. I think I may be coming down. I tried smoking some to dull down the effects, it didn't work that well.
  5. Well I smoked this stuff called Romulan that my connect had, and it is a huge body rush, but the trip this stuff gives is very visual, it is very nice, but not for my fucking teeth :confused:

  6. Ever see the gremlins movie (I forget which one in the series) where the gremlin's had gotten loose in the big building and there is a guy in the dentists chain and the gremlins attack him with the implements? heh....

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