Ok so I had to go to my friends place to do a project for class with my group. Me and P hop in his car and head over there. As we head over there P pulled out his bowl so we start smoking on the ride there. When we get there we are pretty high. We get out of car and go in. Two of my best friends live there and they both smoke. Lets call my friends M and T. M is the one who is in my group who lives there, he smokes from time to time but not a lot. Now T on the other is a pothead just like me and P and she is M's roomate. Our group member K shows up and looks at me and P's eyes and goes "can you guys show up anywhere sober" and we were kind of offended and T looked like she was offended to. The the asks if me and P wanna blaze with her so we of course say yeah and then K goes "no not till after we finish". T and me exchange funny looks when she says this which pisses her off more. So we did a little work and called it quits for the day. After we finish P and me start rollin a blunt and K like gets mad again and leaves like angrily and as she is leavin she goes "don't show up to library tomorrow to finish if you are not sober. Like wtf is her deal me and P work better high. Wouldn't this piss you off.
Honestly, I wouldn't toke during a project, especially when a member of the team is butthurt about it. It's not hard to put it off until after the project, and it even gives you some incentive. However the way she reacted was not the right way to go about it.
If she was nice about it and not a bitch I would have gladly waited till after we were done. Everyone who lives in and chills in that house smokes so we always do work while smoking so to us it wasnt a big deal.
Yeah, sadly bitches be crazy and not thinking. I feel you on that, smoking and working stimulates my juices, helps me get done in a timely manner.
Eh I get where she's coming from. Just like drunk people, it's only fun to be around drunk people when you're drunk too. When there's a project, (I don't know how important it is), but if it was important, I'd be pissed too. I just think it's common courtesy to show up, not be blazed or whatever and do your work, blaze after as your reward. I also don't like going to public places like that high, I don't know I don't like people knowing my habits, or what my friends do and when my friends are high, they're stupid, giggly, and always talk about how high they are. It's annoying. People stare and it's just like fuck, I don't go around telling everyone and their mom how high I am. A lot of people just can't present themselves well high. Maybe that's how she saw you. Not saying you're like this but from personal experience, as long as you do a good job, I'm sure the friend will get over it. You will too.
Maybe you guys don't work better high... and you don't notice.. 'cause you're high. She didn't have to be so rude about it, but it's a group effort, maybe smoke after next time.
wow... imagine someone showing up drunk for a project. I bet you would be very offended. If you're there to work, then work. If you're there to toke, then toke. Show a little common courtesy and wait until you're done to get high.
Don't be mad. Hah I'm just thinking if there was a medication for homework: "Class I want you to read chapters 1 through 5 and write me a summary to turn in when you arrive tomorrow. Be sure to take 1 gram of medication to help focus in on those anecdotes...that's what I want to read, see you tomorrow class"
When you go to do the project again...kindly ask if you could speak to her alone. Let her know that you were offended at the way she went about calling you out. That there are others ways with out demeaning people that she could have used to get the same message across. Then proceed to tell her that just because its not her cup of tea, she has no right to tell you what to do, and when and how to do it. explain to her that it actually helps you concetrate and become creative which in the end would give you a possible better grade. If she reacts like an ass, cut her off and kindly tell her that you dont tell her how to live and that you will not allow her to do that to you. other then that ... if all else fails just finish the project as sober as you can and just start ignoring her.
I agree with the general consensus of this thread. I mean if weed really makes you work better, then I guess smoke beforehand, but don't let anyone know, or show any signs of it. But the way that you were gonna blaze with T and P with that girl there (who was there to do the project, not to watch you get high) was really rude.