this is fuckin crazy.

Discussion in 'General' started by darksmoker, Jun 6, 2011.

  1. watch the whole thing. the tornado in joplin, inside a completely destroyed gas station. the video sucks, but the audio is what you want.

    [ame=]YouTube - ‪First Person video of Joplin MO tornado 5/22/11‬‏[/ame]
  2. Absolutley insane, that would be very intense. Im glad they made it alright.
  3. Hits first at 2:14 damn thats intense
  4. jesus jesus jesus
  5. yeah, it hits twice. thats the craziest parts...hearing everyones screams deafened by the destruction.
  6. Damn, That must be Scary..
  7. i was inside a building that got hit, i luckly made it out withonly a broken arm, others, not so lucky, i also lost 3 friends,,, sketchy shit...

  8. :( my next bowl is for you man
  9. Damn man. My next bowl is out to you too.

    Fuckin scary shit, honestly, that audio scared me more then any movie ive ever seen.
  10. Holy shit man what do you mean ur building got hiy
  11. O nvrmind
  12. Jesus jesus jesus. Help me father, jesus.
    I giggled. Im going to hell. Oh wait. There is no hell. :D
    Still scary though. Glad they made it through all right.
  13. the jesus part was silly. the lady has a fucking store falling down all around her, beer bottles breaking in her face, a mile wide swirling funnel of death with 250mph winds barreling down on her, and shes still asking for that asshole to..."save her". haha yeah ok bitch. hes clearly trying to kill your ass.
  14. ^^^ lmfaooo so truee
  15. thanks! lol, yea, it wasnt fun. there was also alot of looters, and one of our local headshops called Mr.Nice Guys (just like of half baked xD) got looted all to hell, and when i got home from the hospital, one of my friends decided that i needed a very very very generous gift, and im only assuming he looted it from there, considering most people dont just go giving out RooR dealers cup's as presents, XDDD,

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