This is crazy

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by ShaneD, May 27, 2009.

  1. SO like 5 weeks ago i planted a plant and after 2 weeks nothing had sprouted. I had totally forgot about his plant. Today i had nothing to do and went in the woods and remebered that i had planted it. Well i have two more plants now. One is about 1 foot tal and the other is about 7 or 8 inches. They dont look to healthy, and it looks like a bug or two have been eating on some of the leaves. What can i do to make them healthy?
  2. How about some pics. Or a bit more info. What exactly looks unhealthy about the plant?
  3. Well some of the leaves tords the bottom are turning yellow and look like they are gunna fall off. and the stems are arent that bad but they could be alot thicker.
  4. A phew pictures would help
  5. they may just have gone through a dry spell with no one taking care of it.
    when they get dry the first leaves to shrivel are the bottom ones.
    take care of them and water em when needed.
    also, you may want to think about feeding the plants soon. (i would suggest organic)

    about bugs, you really need to know what you're dealing with to fight em.
    if its slugs there might be a slimy trail that they leave behind.
    this can be fought with copper wires or beer.
    most "real bugs" haha can be fought with different bug sprays, homemade or organic bug spray from a store.
    good luck man i hope it works out for ya.
  6. Give them a good watering and a decent veg fertilizer. .

    For the bugs I suggest you find out exactly whats eating your plants and try an online search to see what will kill or deter them.
  7. Pics, please.
  8. Im dieing to see pics of your wiener, i mean plants. o_O

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