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this is a problem.. or not?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by NYcdemn, Jun 4, 2009.

  1. I had a few plants That I to keep in the closet .. but I found them today alittle yellow..

    So immediately took outside.. this was my mistake i know.. :confused: anywayz now they they are wilting alittle .. sorry no pics

    is it shock?? will they suppress it.. it seems like no new growth however the shoots are growing as normal.. and the top leafs are yellow..

    edit - they have been in the closet for almost 4 days now.. straight

    thanks in advance :smoking:
  2. Have you been giving them nutes and in what quantity? The yellowing could be from either overfertilizing or underfertilizing. They are probably wilting a little from the shock of going directly into the sun, but they will recover. Its best to introduce them to the outdoors slowly. Take them outside in a shaded area for a few hours and then put them back outside. Increase the outside time a few hours a day until they can be outside overnight.

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